
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 2 133 Table 1 Perceived Career-Development Needs # Answer Responses % 1 Transferring skills gained in the military to the workplace 49 55.06 2 Preparing a résumé/CV 46 51.69 3 Negotiating job offers 45 50.56 4 Networking effectively 38 42.70 5 Gaining experience (e.g., internships) 34 38.20 6 Making an e-portfolio 34 38.20 7 Developing interview skills 33 37.08 8 Learning job-search strategies 32 35.96 9 Succeeding at career expos 28 31.46 10 Navigating social media sites (e.g., LinkedIn) 24 26.97 11 Applying to graduate school 16 17.98 12 Other (Please Specify) 5 6.62 Note. Within the five Other responses, respondents indicated in their own words that they would prefer “personal information, privacy summary on those same social media sites,” “turning military experience into résumé bullets,” “how to pay for graduate school when your GI bill runs out,” “learning anything that will enable me to freelance or start my own business using knowledge gained from my degree/certificate,” and “meeting with corporate headhunters.” A Proposed Theoretically Based Career Intervention Based upon the CIP theoretical framework (Sampson et al., 2004) and the feedback received from the needs assessment, psychoeducational groups will be conducted in order to achieve the following goals: expanding student veteran self-knowledge and career options through the CIP approach, exploring transferable skills gained through military experiences, gaining knowledge of resources that can assist student veterans in the job search and application processes, and identifying and decreasing negative metacognitions and dysfunctional career thoughts. The psychoeducational group will meet once a week for 4 weeks. The group is open to all student veteran members attending the university through a campus-wide recruitment effort. Considering the tight connections between each CIP component, the group will be conducted in a closed-group format. The group facilitators will be graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees in counseling psychology or school psychology, and/or master’s students studying career counseling. The group activities will center on the student veterans’ needs obtained through the needs assessment survey and the CIP components that have been proposed to serve the needs of veterans (Bullock et al., 2009; Clemens