
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 2 157 Appendix Session Outlines Pregroup Meeting Discussion regarding the nature of the group. • Note differences between this and other groups they may engage in as part of rehabilitation treatment. • Discuss expectations of the group (for both members and leaders). • Outline overall goals and structure of sessions and importance of attendance. • Discuss confidentiality limits. Session 1 • Review expectations regarding group and confidentiality. • Set group rules through discussion and agreement of group members. • Conduct group member introductions and begin discussion regarding expected gains from group. • Introduce CIP Pyramid and discuss Metacognitions domain. • Return CTI and CPCS results and provide broad interpretation of scores. o Encourage discussion regarding reactions and thoughts about results. • Introduce individual learning plan. o Homework: outlining specific goals for group process. o Discuss different types of goals: increasing confidence, outlining concrete career plans, find a new career path, and so on. Session 2 • Review previous session: Metacognitions, assessment results, CIP Pyramid. • Review homework. Allow for discussion regarding goals and process of writing them. o Discuss possible activities to be filled in, and allow for group member interaction and feedback. • Introduce Self-Knowledge: link to homework and interests. o Introduce Holland’s RIASEC model and theory, and allow for discussion of members’ expected codes. o Discuss SDS results: reactions and thoughts. o Discuss how current knowledge, skills and abilities from military may fall in or out of this code. o Introduce Military Occupations Finder. • Homework: Look up occupations related to Holland code on O*NET and finalize activities for Individual Learn- ing Plan. Session 3 • Review metacognitions and self-knowledge pieces of CIP pyramid. • Review Individual Learning Plans and discuss difficulties regarding outlining activities. o Allow for discussion among group members regarding feedback or discussion about possible activities. • Introduce options knowledge and review O*NET experience and feedback regarding information found or not found. o Discuss perceived barriers to employment in occupations of interest. • Introduce CASVE cycle. o Allow for discussion of how decisions are currently carried out by participants. o Explain CASVE cycle and provide example regarding decision of when to disclose disability and disability needs to future employers. o Encourage participants to suggest new examples regarding their current state of decision making and where they may be in the cycle. • Homework: Complete at least one activity on Individual Learning Plan and narrow down possible occupations to 3-5. o Discuss possible barriers to completing activities.