
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 2 158 Session 4 • Review last session: CASVE cycle, options knowledge and self-knowledge. • Review homework: experiences of completing activities, discuss what helped or hindered the process. • Members will further discuss current individual positions in CASVE cycle. o Discuss process of synthesizing and valuing choices, and expand on purpose of homework to complete this process. o Ask for examples from participants regarding weighing costs and benefits of options. o Discuss perception of current confidence levels in making decisions. • Homework: Complete two activities on Individual Learning Plan. o Discuss perceived barriers to completing these. Session 5 • Review last session: CASVE cycle, synthesis and valuing. • Review homework: Outcomes of completing activities, what helped or hindered the process? What is the next activity that should be completed? • Conduct pretermination discussion regarding current status of participants in the CASVE cycle. o Where do you see yourself, and how much further do you need to go to execute your goals? o What would help you to further close your identified gap? Discussion regarding previously anticipated barri- ers and current perceived barriers. • Homework: Develop a plan for execution of action needed to close gap. • Administer post-CTI and CPCS. Session 6 • Review homework: What are plans for closing gaps? • Discussion regarding returning to Communication phase of CASVE cycle. o What will your life look like when gap is closed? o What other steps will be taken to close this gap? o How can you apply this decision-making process to other decisions outside careers? • Discuss post-CTI and CPCS results and broad interpretation. o Encourage participants to share their reactions to changes in scores. o Discuss plans to continue to increase career planning confidence and decrease negative thoughts. • Termination. o Discuss content: What has changed, what did you learn about decision making and career choices? o Discuss process: What did you learn from engaging in this process? About yourself, from others? o Provide further options for career counseling at the Rehabilitation Center, Veteran Centers and VA Hospitals. Administer post-DASS.