
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 4 377 Appendix Eligibility and Interview Protocol Eligibility/Screening Questions 1. Are you over 18 years old? 2. Are you able to speak and understand English? 3. Are you the father of a child with autism? 4. Is your child with autism between the ages of 4–20? Demographic Questions 1. How old are you? 2. How old is your child with autism? 3. When was he diagnosed with autism? 4. Does your child with autism have any siblings? If so, how many? 5. What is your highest level of completed education? 6. What is your occupation? 7. How many people live in your household? Semistructured Interview Questions 1. Tell me about your son. 2. Describe your experience as a dad of a child with autism. 3. Discuss the most rewarding aspects of being a dad of a child with autism. 4. Discuss the challenges associated with being the dad of child with autism. 5. How do you cope with the stress of parenting a child with autism? 6. Have you considered seeking help (counseling, support group, etc.) to adjust to the challenges of being the dad of a child with autism? 7. Describe your relationship with the mother of your child with autism. 8. How has your child’s diagnosis affected that relationship? 9. How would you advise other dads of children with autism to prepare for the rewards and challenges of this unique experience?