
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 4 385 phase 2 but decreased in phase 3. Despite the significant fluctuation of the postgraduate students’ traits, in general, positive traits increased while negative traits decreased. Conversely, the real-self traits of undergraduate students appeared more stable compared to the real-self traits of the postgraduate students (Figure 8). Four real-self traits of undergraduate students experienced significant changes: nurturance, affiliation, playful and intellectualistic. The nurturance and affiliation traits increased significantly over the three phases, whereas the playful and intellectualistic traits decreased significantly during phase 2, but increased again in phase 3. Figure 7 . Changes in postgraduate students’ real-self personality traits across phases 1, 2 and 3. * p < 0.05 . ** p < 0.01. Figure 8 . Changes in undergraduate students’ real-self personality traits across phases 1, 2 and 3. * p < 0.05 . ** p < 0.01. 40 50 60 **Enthusiasm **Optimism *Negativity Communality A chievement **Dominance Endurance Order Psychologically Perceptive Nurturance Affiliation **Social Energy *Exhibition Autonomy Aggression *Change *Support Seeking *Self-Blaming Deference Counseling Readiness Self-Control **Self-Confidence **Personal Adjustment Self-Satisfaction **Creativity **Structure Valuing **Masculinity Femininity Fault Finding Respectful *Work Centered **Playful Security Seeking Affected Intellectualistic Pragmatic Scientific Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 ( N = 34) ( N = 80) ( N = 72) 40 50 60 Enthusiasm Optimism Negativity Communality Achievement Dominance Endurance Order Psychologically Perceptive *Nurturance **Affiliation Social Energy Exhibition Autonomy Aggression Change Support Seeking Self-Blaming Deference Counseling Readiness Self-Control Self-Confidence Personal Adjustment Self-Satisfaction Creativity Structure Valuing Masculinity Femininity Fault Finding Respectful Work Centered *Playful Security Seeking Affected *Intellectualistic Pragmatic Scientific Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 ( N = 44) ( N = 62) ( N = 97)