
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 4 302 - Unemployment rates in the current crisis are significantly higher for African Americans and Latinos in comparison to Whites. Theme: Systemic Impact on the Individual Generalized challenges - Facing significant career development barriers may lead to despair and lowered expectations for the future. - Conflicts between an individual’s culture of origin and work culture may lead to internal conflicts, including feelings of selling out . - Being marginalized results in negative thinking, which becomes embedded in one’s self-concept and decision- making processes. Challenges specific to the economic crisis - Scarcity of opportunity fosters negative mindsets and beliefs among and about these populations (e.g., hatred, blame, resentment, distrust) and makes the process of finding work more difficult. Theme: Individual—General Generalized challenges - Lowered self-esteem, self-efficacy and outcome expectations in traditionally marginalized populations can create significant problems for career development. - These populations tend to have reduced knowledge and perception of possible career/occupational pathways. Challenges specific to the economic crisis - Marginalized populations are more afraid to change jobs or transition their careers in this economic climate. - Feelings of disempowerment and loss of identity in an increasingly impersonal climate, as well as a lack of creativity in conceptualizing possible career options, have a negative effect on individuals’ ability to pursue, secure and maintain work. Theme: Individual—Population-Specific Generalized challenges - Individuals with disabilities may have lower self-efficacy, be overly dependent on others, have unrealistic expectations and be wary of disclosing disability despite possible benefits. - Immigrant refugees may have different notions of time and professionalism, lack important skill sets, maintain career goals that are incompatible with the U.S. job market and be more likely to take lengthy trips back to their home country that interfere with job success. - Individuals over 30 may lack adequate understanding of technological career development resources. Challenges specific to the economic crisis - N/A