
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 4 358 Student Involvement in International Activities Survey responses to questions concerning student involvement in international activities are summarized in Table 3. Slightly over one-fourth of the programs that respondents represented (29%) incorporated international activities as part of counselor training. Responses were split 50/50 on the question of whether students were actively encouraged to be involved in international activities outside the counselor education program. Respondents from only two programs (3.2%) noted that participation in international activities was required for graduation. Almost one-quarter of respondents represented programs (24.1%) that provided academic credit to students for participating in international activities. When programs did offer academic credit, it was more often for an elective course than a required one, though five respondents (8.1%) did note that their programs required the international course. Table 3 Program Support for Student Involvement in International Activities Item Response N % Does your program incorporate international activities as part of counselor training for students? Yes 18 29.0 No 44 71.0 Do students regularly visit partner schools/agencies? Yes 9 14.5 No 8 12.9 Missing 45 73.6 Is there student exchange with partner schools/agencies? Yes 6 9.6 No 1 17.7 Missing 45 73.6 Are students actively encouraged to be involved in international activities outside your program (e.g., international activities sponsored by other schools/organizations like AMCD or Association for Counselor Education and Supervision [ACES])? Yes 31 50.0 No 31 50.0 Is participation in these international activities required for students to graduate? Yes 2 3.2 No 16 25.8 Missing 44 71.0 Can students receive academic credit for participating in these international activities? Yes 15 24.1 No 3 4.8 Missing 44 71.0 The academic credit offered for international activities is best described as: A required course 5 8.1 An elective course 7 11.2 A required or elective course 1 1.6 Other 1 1.6 Missing 48 77.4 Item Response M SD The financial contributions toward student participation in international activities include the following (scale of 0 to 100%): Student 73.41 28.91 Department 14.12 25.07 University 11.35 18.13 Professional organizations 1.12 3.16