
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 5 548 two variables (Ellis, 2010). The correlations among the three SESSS subscales ranged between .47 and .70, which suggests that the subscales measured related but discriminable dimensions of students’ success skill use. In assessing the concurrent validity of these three subscales, it was helpful to first focus on the scales that correlated most highly with the three SESSS subscales. The three SESSS subscales followed the same pattern with respect to strength of correlation. All three correlated most highly with both the Cognitive Strategy Use and Self-Regulation subscales of the MSLQ. These two subscales measure the students’ reported use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies associated with effort management and effective learning. Table 2 Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Estimates for the Study Scales Scales Scales M SD Alpha SESSS Self-Direction of Learning 48.6 10.88 0.89 Support of Classmates’ Learning 16.6 4.28 0.79 Self-Regulation of Arousal 7.9 2.60 0.68 MSLQ Self-Efficacy 28.3 4.41 0.83 Cognitive Strategy Use 48.6 8.31 0.82 Self-Regulation 31.2 5.08 0.75 Test Anxiety 8.8 4.03 0.79 SESRL Self-Eff. for Self-Reg. Learning 31.2 6.10 0.83 Note . SESSS = Student Engagement in School Success Skills; MSLQ = Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire; SESRL = Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning. Table 3 Correlations Between Scales SESSS MSLQ SDL SCL SRA SE CSU SR TA SESRL SESSS SDL ----- 0.70* 0.58* 0.28* 0.54* 0.53* -0.02 0.44* SCL ----- 0.47* 0.25* 0.39* 0.39* -0.02 0.35* SRA ----- 0.12* 0.32* 0.30* 0.08* 0.24* MSLQ SE ----- 0.61* 0.54* -0.38* 0.67* CSU ----- 0.70* -0.20* 0.68* SR ----- -0.25* 0.70* TA ----- -0.35* SESRL ----- Note . SESSS = Student Engagement in School Success Skills survey; MSLQ = Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire; SESRL = Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning scale; SDL = Self-Direction of Learning; SCL = Support of Classmates’ Learning; SRA = Self-Regulation of Arousal; SE = Self-Efficacy; CSU = Cognitive Strategy Use; SR = Self-Regulation; TA = Test Anxiety; *p < .01