
The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 5 459 linkages needed to be included in the logic model (see Frechtling, 2007). They evaluated the need for within- level linkages (e.g., between two activities) and feedback loops (i.e., where a subsequent component influences the nature of preceding components). The authors determined that two within-level and one recursive linkage were needed. Results Outcomes A total of 65 logic sequences were identified for the ASCA National Model sections: foundation ( n = 7), management system ( n = 30), delivery system ( n = 7) and accountability system ( n = 21). Table 1 contains sample logic sequences. Table 1 Examples of Logic Sequences Relating ASCA National Model Elements to Outcomes National Model Section Logic Sequence Foundation a. If counselors go through the process of creating a set of shared beliefs, then they will establish a level of mutual understanding. b. If counselors establish a level of mutual understanding, then they will be more successful in developing a shared vision for the program. c. If counselors develop a shared vision for the program, then they can develop an effective vision statement. d. If counselors create a vision statement, then they will have the clarity of purpose that is needed to develop a mission statement. e. If counselors create a mission statement, then the program will be more focused. f. If the program is better focused, counselors will create a set of program goals, which will enable counselors to specify how the attainment of the goals should be measured. g. If counselors specify how the attainment of goals should be measured, then effective program evaluation will be conducted. h. If effective program evaluation is conducted, then the program will be continuously improved. i. If the program will be continuously improved, then improved student achievement will result. Management System a. If school counselors create annual agreements with the leader in charge of the school, then the goals and activities of the counseling program will be more aligned with the goals of the school. b. If the goals and activities of the counseling program are more aligned with the goals of the school, then school leaders will recognize the value of the school counseling program. c. If school leaders recognize the value of the school counseling program, then they will commit resources to support the program. Delivery System a. If school counselors engage in indirect services (e.g., consultation and advocacy), then school policies and processes will improve. b. If school policies and processes improve, then teachers will develop more competency, and systemic change and school improvement will occur. Accountability System a. If counselors complete curriculum results reports, then they will have the information they need to demonstrate the effectiveness of developmental and preventative curricular activities. b. If counselors have the information they need to demonstrate the effectiveness of developmental and preventative curricular activities, then they can communicate their impact to school leaders. c. If school leaders are aware of the impact of developmental and preventative curricular activities, then they will recognize their value. d. If school leaders recognize the value of developmental and preventative curricular activities, then they will commit resources to support them.