The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 1 156 not included in the analysis. As such, 12 participants were included in the analysis of all four data time points (57% of participants). Results indicated that participants’ levels of self-reported professional performance scores were not statistically significantly different over time, F (3, 9) = .83, p = .51, partial η 2 = .22. Although while the results across the four data collection time points were not significantly different, further evaluation of the data showed an increase in self-reported professional performance on the PPRPS across each data collection point. Mean data for the PPRPS across the four data collection time points can be found in Table 1. Table 1 Descriptive Statistics for All Data Collection Time Points Time N M SD 1 17 39.94 5.26 2 21 40.52 5.00 3 20 41.55 5.29 4 16 42.94 4.68 To explore the movement in the data further, the researchers completed an item analysis for descriptive statistics of all 10 PPRPS items across the four data collection time points. Results of the item analysis supported a positive movement in scores for all 10 areas assessed on the PPRPS, with the most meaningful movement in the data occurring in the following items: (a) Item 7: Ability to accept personal responsibility (+.62 from Time 1 to Time 4), (b) Item 2: Flexibility (+.49) and (c) Item 5: Awareness of my own impact on others (+.48). Table 2 highlights the mean data for each of the 10 PPRPS items across the four data time points. Table 2 Item Analysis of PPRPS Survey Time 1 a Time 2 b Time 3 c Time 4 d Item M SD M SD M SD M SD 1: Openness to new ideas 4.00 0.87 4.00 0.77 4.30 0.8 4.31 0.79 2: Flexibility 3.76 0.90 3.95 0.67 4.20 0.77 4.25 0.93 3: Cooperativeness with others 4.24 0.75 4.24 0.70 4.30 0.57 4.25 0.58 4: Willingness to accept and use feedback 4.00 0.61 4.29 0.64 4.20 0.7 4.38 0.72 5: Awareness of own impact on others 3.71 0.85 3.67 0.73 3.80 0.77 4.19 0.91 6: Ability to deal with conflict 3.76 0.83 3.76 0.83 4.00 0.65 4.13 1.02 7: Ability to accept personal responsibility 3.88 0.70 4.20 0.77 4.20 0.83 4.50 0.63 8: Ability to express feelings effectively and appropriately 3.82 0.81 3.81 0.73 4.20 0.83 4.13 0.72 9: Attention to ethical and legal considerations 4.29 0.85 4.24 0.89 4.05 0.83 4.31 0.87 10: Initiative and motivation 4.47 0.62 4.33 0.66 4.30 0.80 4.50 0.73 a n = 17. b n = 21. c n = 20. d n = 16.
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