
The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 1 189 Table 1 Rank Order for Selection Criteria Component Rank b SE β Partial r t p Collaborative style 1 .376 .082 .445 0.43 4.56 .000* Success/reputation 2 .058 .077 .084 0.08 0.75 .457 Research/methodology 3 .046 .078 .060 0.06 0.58 .560 Obligation/culture 4 -.027 .095 -.026 -0.03 -0.28 .779 * p ≤ .001 Regression results for chairperson behaviors indicated that the overall model significantly predicted overall satisfaction, R² = .720, R² adj = .707, F (5,107) = 55.10, p ≤.001. This model accounted for 72 % of the variance in overall satisfaction. Review of the regression coefficients indicated that two components, work style (β = .390, t (111) = 4.96, p ≤ .001) and personal connection (β = .456, t (111) = 6.19, p ≤ .001) significantly contributed to the final model. See Table 2. Table 2 Rank Order for Chairperson Behaviors Criteria Component Rank b SE β Partial r t p Personal connection 1 .498 .080 .456 0.51 6.19 .000* Work style 2 .327 .075 .390 0.43 4.96 .000* Mentoring abilities 3 .089 .082 .089 0.11 1.10 .276 Academic assistance 4 .029 .093 .020 0.03 0.31 .757 Professional development 5 .010 .053 .012 0.02 0.18 .856 * p ≤ .001 Because both regression models in research questions one and two were significant, a third regression was conducted in order to assess both the selection criteria components and the behavior components in predicting overall satisfaction with the participants’ chairperson. The intent of this analysis was to show a possible interaction between the two separate constructs when predicting overall satisfaction. For this analysis, stepwise regression was used based on the previous regression results. Components were entered based on significant contribution by assessing each component’s beta value. The components were entered in the following order: personal connection, collaborative style, work style, mentoring abilities, success/reputation, research/ methodology, obligatory, academic assistance and professional development. Results from the regression indicate that two behavior components, work style and personal connection, and one selection component, success/reputation, accounted for 72.7% of the variance for the dependent variable, overall satisfaction, and contributed significantly to the model. See Table 3. Table 3 Chairperson Behaviors and Selection Criteria Model Summary R R² R² adj ∆ R² F chg p df 1 df 2 Model 1 .770 .593 .589 .593 138.52 .000 1 95 Model 2 .846 .715 .709 .122 40.14 .000 1 94 Model 3 .853 .727 .719 .012 4.23 .043 1 93 Note. Model 1 = work style; Model 2 = work style and personal connection; Model 3 = work style, personal connection and success/ reputation.