
The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 1 44 Twenty-minute sitting meditation. This meditation is a combination of all the skills participants have learned, including the body scan, breathing meditations and the hearing exercise. Moods, thoughts and alternative viewpoints discussion. This exercise involves a short overview of how thoughts can influence mood, and techniques and suggestions for viewing intrusive thoughts in a different way. Handouts titled Ways You Can See Your Thoughts Differently and When You Become Aware of Negative Thoughts are provided (see Segal et al., 2002). Breathing meditation. This exercise brings a detailed awareness and focus to the breath. A modification in this study included using a shorter (9 minutes) recorded breathing meditation (Maddux & Maddux, 2006). Mindfulness resources handout. Researchers generate a list of books, Web sites and podcasts that describe mindfulness and the techniques associated with the study. The participants receive this at the last session with encouragement to continue to seeking information on mindfulness practice if they have found it helpful. Table 1 Schedule and Order of Session Content Session Number Theme Agenda 1 Using mindfulness to break out of automatic pilot Orientation to mindfulness and MBCT, raisin exercise, body scan introduction and practice, assign homework: use body scan tape six times before next session, be mindful during a routine activity. Provide handouts: Definition of Mindfulness , Summary of Session 1 , homework record forms (Segal et al., 2002). Administer PSS-10 and MAAS. 2 Focus on the body enhances clarity of the mind Body scan practice and review, homework review, thoughts and feelings exercise (professor sends an e-mail), introduction of pleasant events calendar assignment, 10-minute breathing meditation introduction and practice. Assign homework: use body scan tape six times before next session, use breathing meditation tape six times before next session, complete pleasant events calendar once a day. Provide handouts: Tips for Body Scan , Summary of Session 2 , homework record forms, Mindfulness of the Breath , The Breath , Pleasant Events Calendar (Segal et al., 2002). Administer PSS-10 and MAAS. 3 Mindfulness of the breath Five-minute hearing exercise, 10-minute breathing meditation practice and review, homework review, introduction of unpleasant events calendar assignment, 3-minute breathing space explanation. Assign homework: use breathing meditation tape six times before next session, unpleasant calendar (daily) completed once a day, 3-minute breathing space three times a day. Provide handouts: 3-Minute Breathing Space Instructions , Summary of Session 3 , homework record forms, Mindfulness of the Breath , Unpleasant Events Calendar (Segal et al., 2002). Administer PSS-10 and MAAS. 4 Acceptance Five-minute hearing exercise, 10-minute breathing meditation practice and review, body scan meditation practice and review, homework review, 20-minute sitting meditation introduction and practice. Assign homework: 20-minute sitting meditation six times before next session, 3-minute breathing space three times a day and as needed. Provide handouts: Sitting Meditation Extended Instructions (Segal et al., 2002), Summary of Session 4 , homework record forms. Administer PSS-10 and MAAS. 5 Thoughts are not facts 20-minute sitting meditation practice and review; homework review; moods, thoughts and alternative viewpoints discussion; 3-minute breathing space. Assign homework: 30-minute breathing meditation (three times a week), 3-minute breathing space (three times a day). Provide handouts: Ways You Can See Your Thoughts Differently , When You Become Aware of Negative Thoughts (Segal et al., 2002), Summary of Session 5 , homework record forms. Administer PSS-10 and MAAS. 6 Putting it all together Body scan practice and review, breathing meditation practice and review, sitting meditation practice and review (10 minutes), homework review, review of all techniques used in study. Provide handouts: Daily Mindfulness (Segal et al., 2002), mindfulness resources (researcher generated), Summary of Session 6 , Daily Mindfulness , Mindfulness Resources . Administer PSS-10 and MAAS.