
The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 1 60 to the other two measures ( r = -0.22; r = -0.26). The relationships among career adaptability measures suggest that, while each dimension of career adaptability is a separate aspect of career adaptability, they are related. The strongest correlation was between exploration and decision-making ( r = 0.70). The interrelationships among career adaptability dimensions and the three resiliency attributes were found to moderately correlate with personal ( r = 0.29; r = 0.39; r = 0.49) and relational resiliency ( r = 0.27; r = 0.26; r = 0.35); emotional vulnerability was not related to any of the scales for career adaptability. Decision-making demonstrated the strongest positive relationship with personal and relational resiliency ( r = 0.49; r = 0.35). Table 1 Intercorrelations between Resiliency, Dimensions of Career Adaptability, and Obstacles Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 Resiliency Measures a 1. Sense of Mastery (MAS) (.84) 2. Sense of Relatedness (REL) 0.65* (.93) 3. Emotional Reactivity (REA) -0.22* -0.26* (.87) Career Adaptability 4. Career Planfulness b 0.29* 0.27* -0.10 (.90) 5. Career Exploration c 0.39* 0.26* -0.11 0.61* (.93) 6. Career Decision Making d 0.49* 0.35* 0.19 0.56* 0.70* (.98) Note. Reliability values for this study are shown diagonally (Cronbach alphas). N = 101 * p < 0.05 a RSCA (Prince-Embury, 2006) b CDI-S (Super et al., 1979) c CES (Stumpf, Colarelli, & Hartman, 1983) d CDSE-SF ( Betz, Hammond, & Multon, 2005) Predictive Power of Resiliency for Career Adaptability Multiple regression was used to examine the predictive power in the three constructs of resiliency to the three dimensions of career adaptability (see Table 2). The three resiliency measures explained a statistically significant 25% of variance in career decision-making ( F = 10.96), 15% of variance in career exploration ( F = 5.84) and 9% of variance in career planfulness ( F = 3.37). Personal resiliency (MAS) was the only resiliency scale that produced statistically significant results in two of the three career adaptability measures (see Table 2). The lack of statistical significance for relational resiliency is due to its high correlation with personal resiliency. Therefore, adolescent mothers who possess higher personal resiliency appear to possess higher levels of career adaptability.