
The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 2 215 Knowledge 1. For the following items, please rate your knowledge on a scale from 1–5, 1 meaning that you have no knowledge and 5 meaning that you have extensive knowledge No knowledge 1--------------2--------------3--------------4--------------5 Extensive knowledge ___ The McKinney-Vento Act ___ The registration policies for homeless students entering your school ___ The role(s) of the local homeless liaison for your school ___ The role of the State Coordinator for homeless services ___ The transportation requirements for homeless students under the McKinney-Vento Act ___ The emotional and personal/social issues (e.g., feelings of isolation, difficulty making friends, embarrassment) faced by homeless students in schools ___ The educational issues that homeless students face in school (i.e., the academic issues) 2. Do you know the location of homeless shelters near the school where you work? Please check the category that best applies to you. ___ I know none of them. ___ I know some of them. ___ I know all of them. ___ There are no shelters near my school. 3. Can you identify the students who are homeless on your caseload? Please check the category that best applies to you. ___ I can identify none of them. ___ I can identify some of them. ___ I can identify all of them. ___ There are no homeless students on my caseload. 4. Do you know where homeless students in your school reside? Please check the category that best applies to you. ___ I know where none of them reside. ___ I know where some of them reside. ___ I know where all of them reside. ___ There are no homeless students in my school. Interventions 1. What types of programs/interventions do you provide to homeless students and parents? Check all that apply. ___ I have not provided any services or interventions. ___ Parent consultation ___ Parent education workshops ___ Teacher consultation ___ Community partnerships ___ Mentoring program ___ Academic support ___ Small group counseling ___ Individual counseling ___ Communication with shelter staff ___ Shelter visits ___ Home visits ___ After-school programs ___ Tutoring ___ Referrals to community resources ___ Provided workshops/training for teachers ___ Classroom guidance ___ Career exploration ___ Behavioral skills training ___ IEP planning ___ 504 planning ___ Advocating for homeless students ___ Postsecondary planning ___ College planning ___ Other (please specify): ____________________