
216 2. Is there anything else you would like to add about your interventions with homeless students? Please write below. Knowledge and Experience 1. List the FIVE most important academic/educational, personal/social and career/college planning needs of homeless students. If you are unable to list 5, list as many as you can. a. ____________________________________ b. ____________________________________ c. ____________________________________ d. ____________________________________ e. ____________________________________ 2. Please answer the following items on a scale from 1–5, 1 meaning not at all and 5 meaning always. Not at all 1--------------2--------------3--------------4--------------5 Always ___ I ensure that homeless students with whom I work have equal opportunities compared to their non-homeless peers. ___ I assist with registration of homeless students. ___ I assess the emotional needs of homeless students. ___ I visit the shelter(s) where homeless students in my school live. ___ I ensure that homeless students have transportation to attend before- or after-school programs. ___ I have contact with my school’s homeless liaison. ___ I make contact with homeless families. ___ I provide mentorship programs for homeless students at my school. ___ I review the McKinney-Vento Act policies to ensure homeless students’ needs are being met.