
Volume 5, Issue 1 Table of Contents Volume 5, Issue 2 Table of Contents 195 Children With Special Needs and Circumstances: Conceptualization Through a Complex Trauma Lens Edward Franc Hudspeth 200 Addressing the Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness: School Counselor Preparation Stacey Havlik, Julia Bryan 217 The School Counselor and Special Education: Aligning Training With Practice Jennifer Geddes Hall 225 Trauma and Treatment in Early Childhood: A Review of the Historical and Emerging Literature for Counselors Kristen E. Buss, Jeffrey M. Warren, Evette Horton 238 All Foreign-Born Adoptees Are Not the Same: What Counselors and Parents Need to Know Yanhong Liu, Richard J. Hazler 248 Parent–Child Interaction Therapy for Children With Special Needs Carl Sheperis, Donna Sheperis, Alex Monceaux, R. J. Davis, Belinda Lopez 261 Advancements in Addressing Children’s Fears: A Review and Recommendations Monica Leppma, Judit Szente, Matthew J. Brosch 273 Professional Counseling for Children With Sensory Processing Disorder Emily Goodman-Scott, Simone F. Lambert 293 Counseling Children With Cystic Fibrosis: Recommendations for Practice and Counselor Self-Care Cassandra A. Storlie, Eric R. Baltrinic 304 Because “Mama” Said So: A Counselor–Parent Commentary on Counseling Children With Disabilities Sherry Richmond-Frank Special Issue: Counseling Children With Special Needs and Circumstances Guest Editor: Edward Franc Hudspeth, NCC