
The Professional Counselor /Volume 5, Issue 3 396 to define and consequently report, which makes it a complex problem. The following two subthemes emerged from the participants’ descriptions of defining the line: normal sibling rivalry, and violence and abuse. Normal sibling rivalry. First, the counselors discussed normal sibling rivalry as healthy and a “normal part of growing up,” which presented opportunities for school counselors to respond through lessons on conflict resolution . Lee shared, “I believe in competition, I believe in conflict over the biggest cookie or bathroom time, TV time or choosing different things. . . . I think that is all Figure 1. Themes Related to Sibling Abuse RESPONDING TO SIBLING ABUSE Defining the Line 1. Normal Sibling Rivalry 2. Violence & Abuse Keeping Students Safe 1. Advocacy 2. Collaboration Education and Awareness 1. Personal Awareness & Education 2. Parental Perceptions & Societal Norms 3. Educating Students Multiple Victims and Needs 1. Sibling Offender 2. Further Victimization FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO SIBLING ABUSE Sibling Bond 1. Preservation & Perseverance 2. Family Secrets Systemic Barriers 1. Child Protective Services 2. Family Systems Learned Violence 1. Intrafamilial Violence 2. Media & Society 3. Mental Health 4. Gender & Ethnicity