
The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 1 70 but did not require medical attention for those attempts (conceptualized as possible non-suicidal self- injurious behavior). Of those indicating their ethnicity, 6,416 participants indicated that they were Caucasian. The binary regressive model for the 2013 data indicates a resultant X 2 (5) = 295.731, p < .001. As indicated in table 6, the Nagelkerke R 2 = .222, which indicates that this model would only account for approximately 22% of the variance in predicting self-injurious behaviors as defined by items 27 and 28 of the YRBS. The Hosmer and Lemeshow test was not significant (χ 2 (7) = 8.281, p = .308+), indicating that the predicted probabilities match the observed probabilities. Wald statistics are significant at p < .001 for the item indicating possible depression and the variable assessing possible aggressive self-injury (engaging in numerous physical fights). Wald statistics for race, age and gender were not significant; therefore, these demographic variables are not making a statistically significant contribution to the prediction of NSSI. As indicated in tables 6 and 7, of those participants who identified as possibly engaging in non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors, 98.7% of cases were correctly classified by the model. The classification of cases was not changed when the variables of non-suicidal aggression, depression, age, gender and race were included. Calculated r for non-suicidal aggression was .32, and .22 for the depression variable, indicating that both likely accounted for 54% of the predictive power of the model. The demographic variables could not be calculated due to their low contribution to the predictive model. It is important to note that the lower end of the confidence interval for variables not significantly contributing to the model was less than one. Table 6. Regression of Self-Injurious Behavior Variables B Expected B r Aggression* 2.422 1.258 .32* Depression* 2.040 .119 .22* Age (<15) .230 7.693 -- Sex (Male) .063 1.065 -- Ethnicity (Caucasian) .149 1.161 -- Note: *Significant at p < .001, Nagelkerke R 2 = .222, -2LL = 1409.043 Table 7. Regression of Non-Suicidal Aggressive Self-Injury Variables Expected B B Male* 1.086 2.963 Depression* .973 2.646 Note: *Significant at p < .001; Nagelkerke R 2 = .061, Initial -2LL = 6361.219