
The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 2 125 to measure a trade-off between specificity (true positives) and sensitivity (true negatives; Youngstrom, 2014). ROC allows the investigator to determine how specificity and sensitivity change when the cut- off value of the continuous variable is changed. ROC value is expressed as an area under the ROC curve (AUROC). ROC curves are graphically represented as the relationship between an instrument’s specificity (horizontal axis) and sensitivity (vertical axis). ROC curves are interpreted by finding the point on the graph where a scale’s sensitivity and specificity are balanced. To the naked eye, this optimal point is where the curve begins to flatten out at the top. ROC analyses are performed on individual scales, but not multiple scales. As such, ROC analyses can only be performed on those SASSI-3 decision rules that involve individual scales (decision rules 1–5). Decision rules 6–9 involve input from two or more SASSI-3 scales and are therefore not subject to ROC analysis. The ROC scores are categorized as follows: ≥ .90, excellent; ≥ .80, good; ≥ .70, fair; and < .70, poor (Youngstrom, 2014). Results A review of the participants’ random answering profile (RAP) scores indicated that all profiles were valid. Of the 241 participants, the SASSI-3 classified 153 (63.5%) as having a high probability of having a substance dependence disorder. Raw SASSI-3 scale scores were converted to t scores using the SASSI-3 Manual’s Appendix C (Miller & Lazowski, 1999). Table 1 SASSI-3 Scale Descriptive Data and Internal Consistency Estimates SASSI-3 Scale Mean t score Standard Deviation Range Alpha FVA 55.67 15.86 41-110 0.93 FVOD 70.58 25 5-116 0.97 SYM 63.58 14.68 36-92 0.81 OAT 60.23 12.25 35-85 0.74 SAT 58.35 14.78 24-99 0.52 DEF 45.33 10.81 24-73 0.53 SAM 62.76 12.09 30-94 0.63 FAM 44.1 12.18 4-76 0.24 COR 61.21 13.74 36-88 0.63 Note . FVA = Face Valid Alcohol scale; FVOD = Face Valid Other Drugs scale; SYM = Symptoms scale; OAT = Obvious Attributes scale; SAT = Subtle Attributes scale; DEF = Defensiveness scale; SAM = Supplemental Addiction Measure scale; FAM = Family versus Control Subjects scale; COR = Correctional scale. Table 1 represents each SASSI-3 scale’s mean, standard deviation, range of scores and Cronbach’s alpha. These internal consistency reliability estimates were comparable with previously reported alphas (Burck, Laux, Harper, & Ritchie, 2010; Burck et al., 2008). The counselor’s interviews indicated that 188 (78.0%) of the participants met SUD criteria as specified in the DSM-5 . Of these 188, 25 (13.3%) had a mild SUD, 13 (6.9%) were moderate, and 127 (67.6%) had a severe SUD. Of the 188