TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 210 III. Management B: Abilities and Skills Effective collection, evalua- tion, interpretation and use of data to improve availabil- ity of services III-B-3. Accesses or collects relevant data, including process, percep- tion and outcome data, to monitor and improve student behavior and achievement 1.e. assessments specific to PK–12 education Assists with schoolwide data management for docu- mentation and decision making III-B-3a. Reviews and disaggregates student achievement, attendance and behavior data to identify and implement interventions as needed Collects needs assessment data to better inform cultur- ally relevant practices III-B-3b. Uses data to identify poli- cies, practices and procedures lead- ing to successes, systemic barriers and areas of weakness III-B-3c. Uses student data to dem- onstrate a need for systemic change in areas such as course enrollment patterns; equity and access; and achievement, opportunity and/or information gaps 3.k. strategies to promote equity in student achievement and college access III-B-3d. Understands and uses data to establish goals and activities to close the achievement, opportunity and/or information gap III-B-3e. Knows how to use data to identify gaps between and among different groups of students Measures student progress of schoolwide interventions with pre/post testing III-B-3f. Uses school data to identify and assist individual students who do not perform at grade level and do not have opportunities and re- sources to be successful in school Promotes early intervention Designs and implements interventions to meet the behavioral and mental health needs of students III-B-6a. Uses appropriate academic and behavioral data to develop school counseling core curriculum, small-group and closing-the-gap action plans and determines appro- priate students for the target group or interventions 3.c. core curriculum design, lesson plan develop- ment, classroom management strategies and differ- entiated instructional strategies III-B-6c. Creates lesson plans re- lated to the school counseling core curriculum identifying what will be delivered, to whom it will be deliv- ered, how it will be delivered and how student attainment of compe- tencies will be evaluated Provides academic interventions directly to students III-B-6d. Determines the intended impact on academics, attendance and behavior 3.d. interventions to promote academic develop- ment III-B-6g. Identifies data collection strategies to gather process, percep- tion and outcome data