TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 238 Scales For the purpose of this study’s analyses, eight scales were used. These scales were constructed and tested in two previous research studies, and tests of internal consistency have yielded consistently ro- bust results with high reliability coefficients (Hollenbeck & Patrikakou, 2014; Ockerman et al., 2015). The scales’ original construction was based on an extensive literature review of RTI and its imple- mentation to incorporate all pertinent aspects of MTSS. The survey underwent a piloting phase prior to being utilized in prior research studies to address construct and content validity. During the pilot phase, in addition to experts in the field, items also were reviewed by 80 school-based professionals who provided specific feedback (Hollenbeck & Patrikakou, 2014). As a measure of internal consistency, Cronbach’s Alpha (α) was computed for each of the eight scales (scale items and reliability coefficients are reported in Table 2). For scales with more than two items, Cronbach’s α was calculated with and without each of the scale’s items to determine whether dropping an item would increase the scale’s internal consistency. There was no occasion in which the deletion of an item increased the α coefficient; therefore, no changes were made to the scales. Alpha coefficients ranged from .75 to .94. The use of a similar survey on a different population also obtained strong coefficients (Ockerman et al., 2015), indicating the robustness of the instrument across populations. Table 2 Scale Items and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients Variables Items Cronbach’s α RTI Background Information (2)* - Historical overview - Underlying rationale .80 Responsibilities and benefits (2) - Anticipated benefits - Roles and responsibilities within the tiered model .75 Tier service delivery model (2) (ASCAModel - Delivery Component) - Tier service delivery model (general) - Tier service delivery model (specific to one’s school) .87 Counseling interventions (3) (ASCAModel - Delivery Component) - for Tier 1 - for Tier 2 - for Tier 3 .94 Data collection, management, and implementation (3) (ASCAModel - Accountability Component) - Collecting and analyzing outcome data to determine effectiveness of RTI interventions - Schoolwide data management systems for documen- tation and decision making about students who need supportive services within RTI - Assuming leadership in RTI implementation .89 Collaborative practices (2) (ASCAModel - Collaboration Component) - Effective teamwork in RTI implementation - Informing and involving parents within an RTI framework .86