TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 241 Research question 2: How prepared do school counselors feel regarding their training on the various implementation aspects of RTI? The top three aspects in which participants felt either ade- quately or expertly prepared are as follows: understanding the tiered service delivery model in gen- eral (69%), counseling interventions for Tier 1 (68%), and the anticipated benefits of RTI (66%). The bottom three aspects of RTI in which respondents felt adequately or expertly prepared include the following: the historical background of RTI (29%), schoolwide data management systems for docu- mentation and decisions (36%), and collecting and analyzing data to determine effectiveness of RTI interventions (42%; see Table 4 for detailed percentages). Table 4 Perceived Preparedness on Different Aspects of RTI Not Prepared Somewhat Prepared Adequately Prepared Expertly Prepared Historical overview of RTI 36 35 26 3 Underlying rationale of RTI 9 30 53 8 Anticipated benefits of RTI 8 27 56 10 Tiered service delivery model - general 6 25 54 15 Tiered service delivery model – school specific 11 30 44 15 Role and responsibilities within the tiered model 14 29 41 16 Counseling interventions for Tier 1 12 20 44 24 Counseling interventions for Tier 2 13 25 43 19 Counseling interventions for Tier 3 13 26 41 21 Collecting and analyzing data to determine effectiveness of RTI interventions 23 35 34 8 Schoolwide data management systems for documentation & decision making 26 38 27 9 Informing and involving parents within an RTI framework 21 34 34 11 Effective teamwork in RTI framework 16 33 38 13 Assuming leadership in RTI implementation 27 30 30 13