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The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 262 screening scale for internalizing and externalizing behaviors: Preliminary cut scores to support data- informed decision making. Behavioral Disorders , 40 , 159–170. doi:10.17988/0198-7429-40.3.159 Lapan, R. T., Whitcomb, S. A., & Aleman, N. M. (2012). Connecticut professional school counselors: College and career counseling services and smaller ratios benefit students. Professional School Counseling , 16 , 117–124. doi:10.5330/PSC.n.2012-16.124 Lo, Y.-Y., & Cartledge, G. (2006). FBA and BIP: Increasing the behavior adjustment of African American boys in schools . Behavioral Disorders , 31 , 147–161. Maggin, D. M., Zurheide, J., Pickett, K. C., & Baillie, S. J. (2015). A systematic evidence review of the check-in/ check-out program for reducing student challenging behaviors. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions , 17 , 197–208. doi:10.1177/1098300715573630 Martens, K., & Andreen, K. (2013). School counselors’ involvement with a school-wide positive behavior sup- port system: Addressing student behavior issues in a proactive and positive manner. Professional School Counseling , 16 , 313–322. doi:10.5330/PSC.n.2013-16.313 Mayes, R. D., & Hines, E. M. (2014). College and career readiness for gifted African American girls: A call to school counselors. Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning , 4 , 31–42. Moore, J. L., Henfield, M. S., & Owens, D. (2008). African American males in special education: Their attitudes and perceptions toward high school counselors and school counseling services. American Behavioral Sci- entist , 51 , 907–927. doi:10.1177/0002764207311997 Natsuaki, M. N., Ge, X., & Wenk, E. (2008). Continuity and changes in the developmental trajectories of crimi- nal career: Examining the roles of timing of first arrest and high school graduation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 37 , 431–444. doi:10.1007/s10964-006-9156-0 Newcomer, L. L., Freeman, R., & Barrett, S. (2013). Essential systems for sustainable implementation of Tier 2 supports. Journal of Applied School Psychology , 29 , 126–147. doi:10.1080/15377903.2013.778770 Ockerman, M. S., Mason, E. C. M., & Hollenbeck, A. F. (2012). Integrating RTI with school counseling pro- grams: Being a proactive professional school counselor. Journal of School Counseling , 10 (15), 1–37. Retrieved from Palmer, L. E., & Erford, B. T. (2012). Predicting student outcome measures using the ASCA National Model program audit. The Professional Counselor , 2 , 152–159. doi:10.15241/lep.2.2.152 Palmer, R. T., & Maramba, D. C. (2010). African American male achievement: Using a tenet of Critical Theory to explain the African American male achievement disparity. Education and Urban Society , 43 , 431–450. doi:10.1177/0013124510380715 Skiba, R. J. (2014). The failure of zero tolerance. Reclaiming Children and Youth , 22 (4), 27–33. Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2009). Responsiveness-to-intervention and school-wide positive behavior supports: Integration of multi-tiered system approaches. Exceptionality , 17 , 223–237. doi:10.1080/09362830903235375 Toldson, I. A., & Lewis, C. W. (2012). Challenge the status quo: Academic success among school-age African American males. Retrieved from Travis, J., Western, B., & Redburn, S. (2014). The growth of incarceration in the United States: Exploring causes and consequences. Committee on Causes and Consequences of High Rates of Incarceration, Committee on Law and Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The Na- tional Academic Press. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. (2014). Data snapshot: School discipline (Issue Brief No. 1). Retrieved from Von der Embse, N. P., Pendergast, L. L., Kilgus, S. P., & Eklund, K. R. (2015). Evaluating the applied use of a mental health screener: Structural validity of the social, academic, and emotional behavior risk screen- er. Psychological Assessment . Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/pas0000253 Walker, H. M., & Severson, H. H. (1992). Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD): User’s guide and ad- ministration manual . Longmont, CO: Sopris West. Wiesner, M., Kim, H. K., & Capaldi, D. M. (2010). History of juvenile arrests and vocational career outcomes for at-risk young men. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency , 47 , 91–117. doi:10.1177/0022427809348908