TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 270 Table 1 CR-PBIS Elements by Category should teach the top 10 manners (e.g., table manners, eye contact) as part of the PBIS expectations, the team engaged in intentional conversation about whether the manners would be relevant to all students and parents. Ultimately, this team abandoned this idea due to the potential lack of cultural relevance. For example, the team discussed how eye contact during conversation may not be applicable to all families and students in the school. The principal encouraged staff learning and self-awareness that went beyond these conversations and scheduled subsequent trainings in the following years. The team helped to create systems by which parents were informed and included in the PBIS process. For example, all information was sent to parents in multiple ways (e.g., translated) and parent voices were sought whenever possible. By year four, the leadership team included parents on the team and in year five, one of the school counselors started a Latino parent group. The school counselor’s role changed as a result of PBIS and resource allocation was specifically addressed through the budget process at site council in the spring. Because the counselor was charged with leading the school’s PBIS efforts, the school increased the counselor full-time equivalent Culturally Responsive Practices Support Student Behavior Systems Supporting Culturally Responsive Staff Behavior • All PBIS materials translated • Cool Tools based on beliefs (e.g., holidays) and include SIOP strategies; situated within a “culture of learning” • Mentoring relationship with Brothers United, a high school group of African American males, for students needing Tier 2 and 3 support • Culturally responsive acknowledgement system focused on community • Parent included on PBIS team; PBIS information shared via tweets and outreach at parent events • Student voice included in discussion on school climate and bus climate; included in problem solving process • Local high school equity student group presented to our students and staff • Equity Committee expanded; led daylong diversity workshop for all staff • Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Team met monthly to review de-escalation strategies • Equity Team met monthly with three parents actively involved • PBIS team met with bus drivers, cafeteria staff for further training (e.g., PBIS, Nurtured Heat) Data Supporting Culturally Valid Decision Making Culturally Equitable Student Outcomes • Examine disaggregated data monthly • Disaggregate data in new ways (e.g., SES) • Bus committee formed to discuss additional supports • Examine perception data through surveys of parents, staff and students regularly • Emphasize interventions and teaching of expectations for new students • Added a bus route based on data • Multiple family outreach events offered (e.g., community connections fair, summer opportunities resource fair, Dia de Los Muertos event and Friendship Dance)