TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 viii References American School Counselor Association. (2012a). The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author. American School Counselor Association. (2012b). ASCA school counselor competencies . Retrieved from https:// American School Counselor Association. (2014). Position statement: Multi-tiered systems of support . Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from PS_MultitieredSupportSystem.pdf Baker, S. B., & Gerler, E. R., Jr. (2008). School counseling in the twenty-first century (5th ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill Prentice Hall. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2016). 2016 CACREP standards . Retrieved from Cressey, J. M., Whitcomb, S. A., McGilvray-Rivet, S. J., Morrison, R. J., & Shander-Reynolds, K. J. (2014). Handling PBIS with care: Scaling up to school-wide implementation. Professional School Counseling , 18 , 90–99. doi:10.5330/prsc.18.1.g1307kql2457q668 Dahir, C. A. (2004). Supporting a nation of learners: The role of school counseling in educational reform. Journal of Counseling & Development , 82 , 344–353. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2004.tb00320.x Goodman-Scott, E. (2013). Maximizing school counselors’ efforts by implementing school-wide positive behav- ioral interventions and supports: A case study from the field . Professional School Counseling, 17, 111–119. Goodman-Scott, E. (2015). School counselors’ perceptions of their academic preparedness and job activities. Counselor Education and Supervision , 54 , 57–67. Goodman-Scott, E., Betters-Bubon, J., & Donohue, P. (2016). Aligning comprehensive school counseling pro- grams and positive behavioral interventions and supports to maximize school counselors’ efforts. Professional School Counseling , 19 , 57–67. Goodman-Scott, E., Doyle, B., & Brott, P. (2014). An action research project to determine the utility of bully prevention in positive behavior support for elementary school bullying prevention. Professional School Counseling , 17 , 120–129 Gysbers, N. C. (2001). School guidance and counseling in the 21st century: Remember the past into the future. Professional School Counseling , 5 (2), 96–105. Hauerwas, L. B., Brown, R., & Scott, A. N. (2013). Specific learning disability and response to intervention: State-level guidance. Exceptional Children , 80 , 101–120. doi:10.1177/001440291308000105 Herr, E. L. (2002). School reform and perspectives on the role of school counselors: A century of proposals for change. Professional School Counseling , 5 , 220–234. Lane, K. L., Menzies, H. M., Ennis, R. P., & Bezdek, J. (2013). School-wide systems to promote positive behaviors and facilitate instruction. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction , 7 , 6–31. doi:10.3776/joci.2013.v7n1pp6-31 Leuwerke, W. C., Walker, J., & Shi, Q. (2009). Informing principals: The impact of different types of information on principals’ perceptions of professional school counselors. Professional School Counseling , 12 , 263–271. doi:10.5330/PSC.n.2010-12.263 Lewis, T. J., Mitchell, B. S., Bruntmeyer, D. T., & Sugai, G. (2016). School-wide positive behavior support and response to intervention: System similarities, distinctions, and research to date at the universal level of support. In S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. VanDerHeyden (Eds.), Handbook of response to intervention: The science and practice of multi-tiered systems of support (2nd ed.; pp. 703–717). New York, NY: Springer. Ockerman, M. S., Mason, E. C. M., & Hollenbeck, A. F. (2012). Integrating RTI with school counseling programs: Being a proactive professional school counselor. Journal of School Counseling , 10 (15), 1–37. Retrieved from Ockerman, M. S., Patrikakou, E., & Feiker Hollenbeck, A. (2015). Preparation of school counselors and response to intervention: A profession at the crossroads. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision , 7 , 161–184. doi:10.7729/73.1106