TPC _Journal-Vol6_Issue_3-MTSS-Full_Issue

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 3 272 termine program strengths and weaknesses. Subscales included how well school expectations were taught and defined, and presence of a reward (or acknowledgment) system, as well as a defined way of addressing student behavior violations and infractions. In addition, the SAS included items that measured how well the team monitored areas in the building, managed the team processes and were supported at the district level. All subscales increased over the years of implementation. Table 2 Enrollment and ODRs by Year Year Enrollment Total ODRs 08–09 346 264 09–10 473 268 10–11 498 248 11–12 495 300 12–13 509 371 13–14 523 380 Table 3 Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Results by Year Year Expectations Defined Expectations Taught Reward System Violations System Monitoring Management District Support Implementation Average 2009–10 98% 91% 63% 77% 90% 69% 79% 79% 2010–11 98% 91% 90% 75% 85% 71% 72% 78% 2011–12 97% 89% 84% 74% 92% 87% 85% 84% 2012–13 100% 91% 91% 75% 91% 84% 86% 84% 2013–14 100% 97% 94% 81% 93% 86% 86% 88% ODR data comparing percentage enrollment to percentage of total ODRs demonstrated variability across the years (see Figure 2). ODR trends for Hispanic students shifted from over- representation to under-representation, whereas the gap for African American students went from 14% enrollment and 55% of total ODRs to a narrower gap of 7% enrollment and 31% of total ODRs. In meetings, the leadership team went beyond examination of percentages to determine which students were having difficulty. For example, during year five the team noted that students who had moved to the school in the previous year received a high percentage of total ODRs and accounted for many of the students needing Tier 2 and 3 supports. The team integrated interventions and behavioral teaching opportunities to assist new students in that transition. In year four, a district focus on data led to the mandated formation of school equity teams at each school site. At this school, the team was comprised of 16 staff members and four parent and community members, and focused on school climate equity and parent and community outreach. This team met monthly, and in doing so disseminated climate surveys to students and staff, examined district-wide assessments to ensure cultural fairness and planned culture nights and parent orientation nights in the community. Outcomes that demonstrate cultural equity. The more intentional focus on data disaggregation led to the ability of the PBIS leadership team to make equitable decisions. An example occurred in