TPC Journal-V6, Issue 4- FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor /Volume 6, Issue 4 381 Table 2 Number and Percentages by CBC Procedures and Applicants and Current Students Applicants Current Students n % n % Type of CBC Performed Local (i.e., city, county), state, and federal 10 45 14 37 State 3 14 5 14 Federal 3 14 6 16 State and federal 1 4 3 8 Cities of residency over last 7 years and sex offender data base 2 9 0 0 Did not know 3 14 6 16 Who Performed CBC Outside private independent agency 8 36 7 19 Program’s university/college 7 32 6 16 Government agency 6 27 19 52 Multiple entities (i.e., state, federal, private agency) 0 0 2 5 Did not know 1 4 3 8 Who Paid for CBC Separate fee to applicant/student 17 77 33 89 Applicant paid as part of their application fee 2 9 0 0 University/college paid 2 9 2 5 No charge, university police department conducts 0 0 1 3 Did not know 1 4 1 3 Current Students and Criminal Background Checks Regarding research question four, of the 83 participants, 45% ( n = 37) reported that their programs required current students to undertake CBCs. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the specialty track(s) that program contacts reported requiring students to undergo CBCs. The Fisher’s Exact Tests to determine an association between location of program and requiring applicants to have a CBC was found to be not significant ( p = .500). Procedures for current students . Table 2 provides a breakdown of the type of CBCs performed, who performs the current students’ CBCs, and who paid for the students’ CBCs. Further, two participants (5%) defined specific CBCs for certain specialty tracks: (a) state for all tracks plus federal for school students (3%, n = 1); and (b), state for college and marriage and family tracks, and state and federal for school students (3%, n = 1).