TPC Journal V7, Issue 1-FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 1 97 All 15 data analytic techniques were represented within the addiction-related research articles (Table 3). Descriptive statistics ( n = 34; 27%), regression analysis ( n = 31; 24%) and theme analysis/ coding ( n = 22; 17%) were the most used techniques. Data strategies less likely to be utilized include discriminant analysis ( n = 4; 3%), canonical analysis ( n = 3; 2%) and cluster analysis ( n = 1; 1%). The total values exceed the actual number of research articles included in the analysis because some articles utilized more than one data analysis strategy. Table 3 Type of Data Analysis Used in Addictions Research Articles Data Analytic Procedure Count % Descriptive Statistics 34 27 Regression Analysis 31 24 Theme Analysis/Coding 22 17 Chi-Square Test 16 13 MANOVA/MANCOVA 14 11 ANOVA/ANCOVA 13 10 Correlation 12 9 Structural Equation Modeling 10 8 t -test 9 7 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 7 5 Exploratory Factor Analysis 5 4 Other Nonparametric 5 4 Discriminant Analysis 4 3 Canonical Analysis 3 2 Cluster Analysis 1 1 Note. Some articles used more than one procedure. Therefore, the total values may exceed the actual number of research articles accepted into the analysis ( n = 127). MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance; MANCOVA = multivariate analysis of covariance; ANOVA = analysis of variance; ANCOVA = analysis of covariance. Discussion Articles published in 23 professional counseling journals between January 2005 and December 2014 were examined to assess the scope with which addictions were represented in the professional counseling literature. Overall, 210 (4.5%) of the 4,640 articles published addressed addictions content. Not surprisingly, JAOC , a publication sponsored by the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors, contained the most articles on addictions. It also is noteworthy that several journals with higher percentages of addictions articles were launched within the period of time the analysis was conducted (e.g., Journal of Military and Government Counseling and Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling ). The introduction of these journals may suggest that increased attention is being given