TPC Journal V7, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 2 119 Table 1 Mean Values for SOCCS Total and Subscales by Religious Affiliation Group N M Attitudes Knowledge Skill Protestant Christian 237 4.51 6.17 4.04 3.34 Assembly of God 1 Baptist 36 Brethren 4 Christian 82 Church of Christ 1 Disciples of Christ 4 Episcopal 17 Lutheran 9 Mennonite 3 Methodist 48 Morman 2 Non-Denominational 12 Pentecostal 1 Presbyterian 17 Catholic 88 4.70 6.51 4.22 3.41 Roman Catholic 87 Byzantine Catholic 1 Other Religious Affiliation 29 5.25 6.85 4.69 4.19 Buddhist 4 Jewish 9 Native American 1 Religious Soc. Friends 5 Taoist 1 Unitarian 9 No Religious Affiliation 99 4.95 6.74 4.43 3.70 None identified 93 Agnostic 5 Atheist 1 Total 453 4.69 6.41 4.20 3.49 Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale—Short Form C (MC-C). This 13-item self-report instrument measures participants’ tendency to answer questions to portray oneself in favorable ways (e.g., “I am always willing to admit when I make a mistake.”). The items are answered as true or false and then summed for a total score. Higher scores on the MC-C reflect higher levels of social desirability. In this sample, internal consistency of the 13 items in the MC-C was .77 ( N = 453), which is comparable to previous tests of the internal consistency of the MC-C (Reynolds, 1982).
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