TPC Journal V7, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 2 159 Table 1 34-Item Q Sample and Factor Arrays Item Statements Factor 1 2 3 1 A professor created opportunities for me to get feedback from my peers. -3 1 0 2 A professor encouraged group discussions about relevant topics. 0 0 -2 3 A professor modeled behaviors that I could use with clients. 4 2 0 4 A professor used role plays in class to explain things. 3 2 -1 5 A professor created a safe classroom environment where it felt OK to make mistakes. 3 -1 1 6 A professor required me to self-critique my counseling skills by observing video/audio tape of myself. -1 3 2 7 A professor required me to show video/audio tape of my counseling skills to my classmates for feedback. -4 4 0 8 A professor challenged me in uncomfortable, yet helpful ways. 0 0 -2 9 A professor helped me to make connections between counseling theories and my clinical practice. 0 3 -1 10 A professor helped me to develop my ability to conceptualize clients. 2 4 1 11 A professor demonstrated that he/she was open-minded. 1 -2 1 12 A professor discussed ethical issues that related to students’ clinical experiences working with clients. 1 0 -1 13 A professor who I knew was currently working with clients, or had significant experience as a practicing counselor. 1 2 2 14 A professor helped students in the class cultivate close relationships with one another. -2 -4 -3 15 A professor was open, empathetic, and authentic in their interactions with students. 4 -2 4 16 A professor shared “in the moment” struggles they faced as a counselor. 2 0 -1 17 A professor gave me direct feedback where they made it clear what I was doing well, and what I was not doing well. 1 3 0 18 A professor gave me strength-based feedback. 2 0 1 19 A professor incorporated multiculturalism and issues of diversity into class. 0 -1 0 20 A professor encouraged students to share differing viewpoints on a topic/discussion. -1 1 0 21 A professor helped me to see the purpose in what I was learning by explaining “how” and “why” it would be useful to me in the future. 2 1 -3 22 A professor I could sense was passionate about what they were teaching. 0 -1 2 23 A professor expected a high standard of performance from me. -3 1 -1 24 A professor was readily accessible to give me extra help when I needed it (e.g., office hours, e-mail, phone). -1 -3 -2 25 A professor I could sense was fully present during my interactions with them. 0 -2 1 26 A professor created in-class activities that helped me to become a more reflective thinker. 1 2 -2 27 A professor streamlined course readings and assignments down into what was essential. -2 -3 -4 28 A professor held me and other students accountable for our actions. -3 -1 -3 29 A professor had an engaging personality. -1 -2 3 30 A professor used technology to enhance my learning experience. -4 -4 -4 31 A professor I believed was probably a good clinician. -1 0 4 32 A professor who I liked as a person. -2 -3 3 33 A professor I sensed was an expert on what they were teaching. -2 -1 2 34 A professor used examples from their clinical experiences to explain things. 3 1 3
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