TPC Journal V7, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 2 197 Figure 1. Total number of participants in each of the six formulas as well as the number of participants in each sub-formula a–d. Formula 0 participants, the lowest rated on the scale, never used the term “counselor” or “counseling” when talking about their role in the counseling profession with others. The majority of participants categorized into this formula. There were four main ways participants expressed themselves in Formula 0 when talking about their role in the counseling profession with others. Formula 0a did not offer a title and was ambiguous about clients and techniques. Formula 0b did not offer a title and was specific about clients and techniques. Formula 0c offered a title, but ambiguously discussed clients and techniques. Formula 0d offered a title and was specific about clients and techniques. Formula 1 participants generically used the term “counselor” or “counseling” somewhere in their formulations, along with the titles clinician, specialist, social worker, educator, coordinator, administrator, coach, therapist or psychotherapist, when talking about their role in the counseling profession with others. Few participants categorized into this formula. There were four main ways participants expressed themselves in Formula 1 when talking about their role in the counseling profession with others. Formula 1a offered an ambiguous title and was ambiguous about clients and techniques. Formula 1b offered an ambiguous title but discussed specific clients and techniques. Formula 1c offered a title but ambiguously discussed clients and techniques. Formula 1d offered a title and was specific about clients and techniques.