TPC Journal V7, Issue 3 - FULL ISSUE

230 The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 3 Table 2 Total Variance Explained Factor Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings a Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total 1 7.705 26.568 26.568 7.344 25.311 25.311 5.422 2 3.722 12.834 39.402 3.263 11.250 36.561 3.520 3 2.828 9.750 49.152 2.365 8.155 44.717 3.982 4 1.442 4.972 54.124 1.005 3.464 48.181 5.050 5 1.195 4.121 58.245 .710 2.447 50.628 2.362 6 1.088 3.752 61.996 .601 2.072 52.699 1.440 7 .992 3.419 65.416 8 .929 3.204 68.619 9 .898 3.097 71.716 10 .827 2.850 74.566 11 .745 2.568 77.134 12 .705 2.431 79.565 13 .666 2.298 81.863 14 .583 2.012 83.874 15 .540 1.861 85.735 16 .523 1.804 87.539 17 .474 1.634 89.173 18 .445 1.535 90.709 19 .399 1.377 92.085 20 .381 1.313 93.399 21 .341 1.174 94.573 22 .299 1.031 95.604 23 .276 .953 96.557 24 .257 .887 97.444 25 .226 .781 98.224 26 .194 .670 98.895 27 .137 .472 99.366 28 .126 .434 99.800 29 .058 .200 100.000 Note: Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. a. When factors are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.