TPC Journal V7, Issue 3 - FULL ISSUE

232 The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 3 Table 3 Factor Loadings for a 4-Factor Solution SOCCS Item 1 2 3 4 I have received adequate clinical training and supervision to counsel lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients. .742 .255 .216 .356 I check up on my LGB counseling skills by monitoring my functioning/ competency—via consultation, supervision, and continuing education. .618 .214 .365 .418 I feel competent to assess the mental health needs of a person who is LGB in a therapeutic setting. .925 .224 .369 .588 I have done a counseling role-play as either the client or counselor involving an LGB issue. .513 .138 .317 .470 Currently, I do not have the skills or training to do a case presentation or consultation if my client were LGB. .673 .326 .185 .533 The lifestyle of an LGB client is unnatural or immoral. .173 .896 -.120 .133 I believe that being highly discreet about their sexual orientation is a trait that LGB clients should work toward. .132 .207 .083 -.088 I believe that LGB couples don’t need special rights (domestic partner benefits, or the right to marry) because that would undermine normal and traditional family values. .171 .426 .089 .127 It would be best if my clients viewed a heterosexual lifestyle as ideal. .090 .393 -.020 .109 I think that my clients should accept some degree of conformity to traditional sexual values. .102 .343 .004 .040 I believe that LGB clients will benefit most from counseling with a heterosexual counselor who endorses conventional values and norms. .050 .200 .080 .163 Personally, I think homosexuality is a mental disorder or a sin and can be treated through counseling or spiritual help. .328 .618 .046 .096 I believe that all LGB clients must be discreet about their sexual orientation around children. .115 .506 -.040 .010 When it comes to homosexuality, I agree with the statement: “You should love the sinner but hate or condemn the sin.” .289 .894 -.091 .180 LGB clients receive less preferred forms of counseling treatment than heterosexual clients. .090 -.118 .584 .038 I am aware some research indicates that LGB clients are more likely to be diagnosed with mental illnesses than are heterosexual clients. .468 .064 .581 .334 Heterosexist and prejudicial concepts have permeated the mental health professions. .300 .129 .787 .202