TPC Journal V7, Issue 3 - FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 3 257 Farmer, L., Davis, T., Richards, J., Fonseca, F., Bates, H., Faircloth, P. K., & Cates, K. (2017). Deinstitution- alization in Alabama: A mental health crisis. The Alabama Counseling Association Journal, 41 (2), 82–103. Feldman, S. (2003). Reflections on the 40th anniversary of the US Community Mental Health Centers Act. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry , 37 , 662–667. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1614.2003.01268.x Fisler, C. (2015). Toward a new understanding of mental health courts. Judges’ Journal , 54 (2), 8–13. Fulkerson, A. (2009). The drug treatment court as a form of restorative justice. Contemporary Justice Review , 12 , 253–267. doi:10.1080/10282580903105772 Grob, G. N. (1995). The paradox of deinstitutionalization. Society , 32 (5), 51–59. Hafemeister, T. L., & George, J. (2012). The ninth circle of hell: An eighth amendment analysis of imposing prolonged supermax solitary confinement on inmates with a mental illness. The Denver University Law Review , 90 , 1–54. Haley, M. J. (2016). Drug courts: The criminal justice system rolls the rock. Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law , 17 , 183–214. Harrison, L. D., & Scarpitti, F. R. (2002). Introduction: Progress and issues in drug treatment courts. Substance Use & Misuse , 37 (12–13), 1441–1467. doi:10.1081/JA-120014418 Harvard Law Review. (1998). Developments in the law: Alternatives to incarceration . Harvard Law Review , 111 , 1863–1990. Hill, J. (2016). Jailhouse warehouse: The nation’s jails are housing more mentally ill people than hospitals. American Bar Association Journal , Dec 2016 , 16. Retrieved from jailhouse_warehouse_mentally_ill Hnatow, D. (2015). Working with law enforcement to provide health care for the acute mentally ill. Psychiatric Times , November 2015 , 11–14. Retrieved from law-enforcement-provide-health-care-acute-mentally-ill Hughes, S., & Peak, T. (2012). Evaluating mental health courts as an ideal mental health intervention. Best Practices in Mental Health , 8 (2), 20–37. Isaac, R. J., & Armat, V. C. (1990). Madness in the streets: How psychiatry and the law abandoned the mentally ill . New York, NY: Free Press. Kleinfeld, J. (2016). Two cultures of punishment. Stanford Law Review , 68 , 933–1036. Kondo, L. L. (2001). Advocacy of the establishment of mental health specialty courts in the provision of therapeutic justice for mentally ill offenders. American Journal of Criminal Law , 28 , 255–336. Kondrat, D. C., Rowe, W. S., & Sosinski, M. (2012). An exploration of specialty programs for inmates with severe mental illness: The United States and the United Kingdom. Best Practices in Mental Health , 8 (2), 99–108. Kupers, T. A. (2015). A community mental health model in corrections. Stanford Law & Policy Review , 26 (119), 119–158. Linhorst, D. M., Dirks-Linhorst, P. A., Stiffelman, S., Gianino, J., Bernsen, H. L., & Kelley, B. J. (2009). Implementing the essential elements of a mental health court: The experiences of a large multijurisdictional suburban county. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research , 37 , 427–442. doi:10.1007/s11414-009-9193-z Ogloff, J. R., Thomas, S. D., Luebbers, S., Baksheev, G., Elliott, I., Godfredson, J., . . . Moore, E. (2012). Policing services with mentally ill people: Developing greater understanding and best practice. Australian Psychologist , 48 , 57–68. doi:10.1111/j.1742-9544.2012.00088.x Rizzo, A., Parsons, T. D., Lange, B., Kenny, P., Buckwalter, J. G., Rothbaum, B., . . . Reger, G. (2011). Virtual reality goes to war: A brief review of the future of military behavioral healthcare. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 18 , 176–187. doi:10.1007/s10880-011-9247-2 Russell, R. T. (2015). Veteran treatment courts. Touro Law Review , 31 , 385–401. Shenson, D., Dubler, N., & Michaels, D. (1990). Jails and prisons, the new asylums? American Journal of Public Health , 80 , 655–656. Slattery, M., Dugger, M. T., Lamb, T. A., & Williams, L. (2013). Catch, treat, and release: Veteran treatment courts address the challenges of returning home. Substance Use & Misuse , 48 , 922–932. doi:10.3109/10826084.2013.797468 Steadman, H. J., Monahan, J., Duffee, B., & Hartstone, E. (1984). The impact of state mental hospital deinstitutionalization on United States prison populations, 1968-1978. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology , 75 , 474–490.