TPC Journal V7, Issue 3 - FULL ISSUE

262 The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 3 cancer and with an online social media presence. Organizations were asked to post a recruitment solicitation for this study on the organization’s Facebook and Twitter social media websites. In addition to a convenience sample, snowball sampling was used. The recruitment postings invited potential participants to send the study information to other young adults with cancer. Professional contacts with access to young adults with cancer (e.g., cancer support organization program directors, cancer-related non-profit executive directors, and academic professionals with expertise in psychosocial issues experienced by individuals with cancer) also were asked to invite young adults with cancer to participate. Upon completion, participants were invited to participate in a raffle Table 1 Characteristics of Study Participants (N = 320) Frequency (%) a Gender Male 45 (14.1) Female 275 (85.9) Race/Ethnicity b Caucasian/White 279 (87.2) African American/Black 10 (3.1) Asian American 11 (3.4) Hispanic/Latina(o) 28 (8.8) Native American 3 (0.9) Other 5 (1.6) Current Socioeconomic Status Lower Class/Working Class 52 (16.3) Lower Middle Class 73 (22.9) Middle Class 148 (46.4) Upper Middle Class 42 (13.2) Upper Class 4 (1.3) Sexual Orientation Heterosexual 297 (94.3) Bisexual 12 (3.8) Gay/Lesbian 6 (1.9) Highest Level of Education Did Not Complete High School 1 (0.3) Completed High School/GED 13 (4.1) Some College 77 (24.1) Obtained Undergraduate Degree 122 (38.2) Some Graduate School 31 (9.7) Obtained Master’s Degree 63 (19.7) Obtained a Doctorate 12 (3.8) Stage/Grade of Initial Cancer Diagnosis 0 23 (7.5) 1 75 (24.5) 2 108 (35.3) 3 70 (22.9) 4 30 (9.8) Note . a Totals do not equal 320 because of missing data. b Percentages greater than 100% because of participants being able to select from more than one category.