TPC Journal V7, Issue 3 - FULL ISSUE

264 The Professional Counselor | Volume 7, Issue 3 Table 2 Mean Differences Between Counseling Topics Across Counseling Modalities and ANOVA Results Individual Group Family Variable M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) N F h 2 Power 1. Accepting the new “normal” a 4.15 a (.99) 4.22 a (.96) 3.86 b (1.14) 286 21.76*** .07 1.00 2. Alcohol or drug use 2.65 a (1.34) 2.70 a (1.29) 2.49 b (1.21) 287 5.98** .02 .88 3. Anxiety a 4.19 a (.99) 4.03 b (1.06) 3.77 c (1.18) 283 26.39*** .09 1.00 4. Being accepted by others 3.55 a (1.14) 3.63 a (1.17) 3.26 b (1.16) 282 17.30*** .06 1.00 5. Concerns with child(ren) a 3.30 a (1.33) 3.30 a (1.33) 3.22 a (1.41) 280 .92 <.01 .21 6. Concerns with family members 3.45 a (1.21) 3.37 a (1.22) 3.37 a (1.26) 283 .79 <.01 .19 other than partner, parent(s), sibling(s), or child(ren) 7. Concerns with friend(s) 3.68 a (1.07) 3.69 a (1.07) 3.35 b (1.16) 283 17.50*** .06 1.00 8. Concerns with parent(s) a 3.57 a (1.18) 3.50 ab (1.22) 3.39 b (1.22) 285 3.83* .01 .69 9. Concerns with partner 3.67 a (1.21) 3.53 ab (1.25) 3.43 b (1.28) 288 6.27** .02 .90 10. Concerns with sibling(s) 3.33 a (1.22) 3.21 a (1.26) 3.24 a (1.22) 285 2.04 .01 .42 11. Creating a memorable 3.28 a (1.23) 3.29 a (1.23) 3.18 a (1.27) 285 1.92 .01 .39 document of your life for yourself a 12. Creating a memorable 3.34 a (1.23) 3.32 a (1.21) 3.25 a (1.27) 286 1.00 <.01 .22 document of your life to share with loved ones a 13. Dating concerns a 3.11 a (1.43) 3.15 a (1.44) 2.65 b (1.33) 284 28.97*** .09 1.00 14. Finances 3.82 a (1.13) 3.65 b (1.21) 3.60 b (1.25) 285 6.10** .02 .89 15. Finding meaning in life a 3.61 a (1.18) 3.57 a (1.17) 3.35 b (1.19) 283 10.35*** .04 .99 16. Finding purpose in life 3.60 a (1.15) 3.59 a (1.17) 3.33 b (1.17) 284 12.36*** .04 1.00 17. Finding social support 3.84 a (1.08) 4.05 b (.99) 3.58 c (1.19) 282 24.59*** .08 1.00 18. Finding/making meaning 3.70 a (1.10) 3.73 a (1.13) 3.48 b (1.21) 281 8.91*** .03 .97 from your diagnosis a 19. Getting information about 3.52 a (1.17) 3.77 b (1.13) 3.51 a (1.23) 288 10.55*** .04 .99 your medical situation 20. How and what to tell your 3.16 a (1.37) 3.27 a (1.31) 3.18 a (1.39) 282 2.18 .01 .45 child(ren) about your situation 21. Infertility issues 3.55 a (1.35) 3.50 a (1.35) 3.17 b (1.44) 286 19.01*** .06 1.00 22. Insurance issues 3.63 a (1.20) 3.56 ab (1.25) 3.40 b (1.29) 288 6.09** .02 .89 23. Job situation 3.70 a (1.20) 3.55 a (1.22) 3.29 b (1.24) 286 18.39*** .06 1.00 24. Living day to day 3.78 a (1.13) 3.85 a (1.13) 3.62 b (1.16) 285 6.50** .02 .91 25. Making memories for your 3.37 a (1.20) 3.35 a (1.24) 3.33 a (1.34) 284 .17 <.01 .08 child(ren)/partner/family to have 26. Negative self-talk 3.68 a (1.24) 3.68 a (1.15) 3.36 b (1.20) 283 15.46*** .05 1.00 27. Pacing yourself to prevent exhaustion a 3.74 a (1.14) 3.80 a (1.11) 3.52 b (1.20) 287 12.27*** .04 1.00 28. Pain and its effect on your life 3.66 a (1.11) 3.71 a (1.15) 3.47 b (1.23) 285 8.82*** .03 .97 29. Positive thinking a 3.99 a (1.03) 3.97 a (1.02) 3.72 b (1.10) 286 12.88*** .04 1.00 30. Putting your own needs 3.86 a (.99) 3.79 a (1.02) 3.55 b (1.14) 287 15.38*** .05 1.00 before others’ needs 31. Sad feelings a 4.08 a (1.01) 3.85 b (1.08) 3.62 c (1.19) 288 27.90*** .09 1.00 32. Sexual/intimacy concerns a 3.87 a (1.10) 3.44 b (1.31) 3.31 b (1.38) 286 26.93*** .09 1.00 33. Spirituality a 3.25 a (1.23) 3.25 a (1.27) 3.12 a (1.21) 284 2.92 .01 .56 34. Stress management a 4.22 a (.97) 4.09 b (1.00) 3.84 c (1.15) 288 22.78*** .07 1.00 35. Talking more effectively with 3.74 a (1.16) 3.79 a (1.11) 3.51 b (1.24) 288 10.83*** .04 .99 health care professionals regarding your physical condition 36. Thoughts about 3.32 a (1.20) 3.32 a (1.23) 3.09 b (1.25) 288 10.36*** .04 .99 continuing/resuming education 37. Trusting the doctor a 3.45 acd (1.17) 3.55 ac (1.15) 3.33 bcd (1.20) 286 7.31** .03 .93 38. Will/advanced directive concerns a 3.39 a (1.18) 3.26 a (1.21) 3.33 a (1.19) 287 1.83 .01 .38 Note . Power = observed power at α < .05. Means sharing a common subscript are not statistically different at p < .05 according to Bonferroni pairwise comparison tests. a Greenhouse-Geisser correction utilized for violation of Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity at p < .05 * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001