TPC Journal V7, Issue 4 - FULL ISSUE

Volume 7, Issue 4 298 Lifetime Achievement in Counseling Series: An Interview With Amy King Joshua D. Smith, Neal D. Gray 305 Examining the Facilitating Role of Mindfulness on Professional Identity Development Among Counselors-in-Training: A Qualitative Approach Shengli Dong, Amanda Campbell, Stacy Vance 318 Exploring Experiential Learning Through an Abstinence Assignment Within an Addictions Counseling Course Chad M. Yates, Alexia DeLeon, Marisa C. Rapp 330 PTSD, Optimism, Religious Commitment, and Growth as Post-Trauma Trajectories: A Structural Equation Modeling of Former Refugees Hannah E. Acquaye 349 The Role of High School and College Counselors in Supporting the Psychosocial and Emotional Needs of Latinx First-Generation College Students Angelica M. Tello, Marlise R. Lonn 360 Unaccompanied Refugee Minors From Central America: Understanding Their Journey and Implications for Counselors Angelica M. Tello, Nancy E. Castellon, Alejandra Aguilar, Cheryl B. Sawyer 375 Enhancing the Sport Counseling Specialty: A Call for a Unified Identity Stephen P. Hebard, Katie A. Lamberson TM Contents In This Issue