TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-1
14 The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 1 Appendix Q Sample Statements and Factor Array # Statement F1 F2 F3 1 Demonstrates an awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. 0 3 2 2 Feels able to speak freely in supervision sessions. 1 1 -3 3 Reads up on topics in their area of practice. -3 -1 -2 4 Communicates information truthfully and accurately. 3 3 0 5 Manages personal wellness (physically, spiritually, psychologically, and socially) with supervisor. 0 -2 1 6 Develops specific realistic and measurable goals for supervision with the supervisor. 1 -2 -1 7 Arrives on time for supervision. 3 -3 0 8 Feels their perspectives and experiences were valued by supervisors in supervision sessions. 0 1 0 9 Identifies their own developmental needs. -1 0 -4 10 Broaches difficult topics in supervision, such as issues pertaining to culture, race, or ethnicity. 3 0 3 11 Listens attentively to supervisor. -2 0 -4 12 Recognizes and manages their anxiety about the supervision process. 0 -4 1 13 Initiates discussions related to the supervisory relationship. -3 -2 -4 14 Manages ambiguity and uncertainty. 1 -4 -1 15 Adheres to the ethical codes, guidelines, and models of ethical behavior. 4 0 2 16 Feels their cultural identities are valued by a supervisor. 2 -4 2 17 Demonstrates a willingness to grow. 2 2 3 18 Prepares for each supervision session relevant to the supervision format (e.g., individual, triadic, group). 2 -2 0 19 Feels able to set goals independently. -4 -2 -3 20 Recognizes and seeks regular and ongoing feedback. -2 2 -2 21 Demonstrates an ability to see things from multiple perspectives. 1 0 3 22 Manages personal mental health, emotional problems, stress, and interpersonal issues. 1 1 4 23 Identifies how own biases interfere with development. 2 1 1 24 Collaborates on setting agendas for supervision sessions. -2 -3 -3 25 Demonstrates healthy professional boundaries in supervision sessions and with clients. 4 2 2 26 Feels their time in supervision sessions is respected by supervisors. 0 -1 -1 27 Raises respectfully any points of disagreement with supervisor’s opinions. -2 -2 0 28 Demonstrates verbal communication skills in supervision. -1 -1 3 29 Integrates feedback from supervisor into their clinical work. 2 3 2 30 Is pleasant to work with in supervision. -4 -1 1
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