TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-1
The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 1 45 Low sex drive 1 (0.9) Stomach issues 10 (9.4) Teeth grinding 2 (1.9) Weight changes (i.e., loss or gain) 11 (10.3) Negative impact on personal interest or self-care 101 (8.4) Decrease in exercise 5 (5.0) Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep 29 (28.7) General self-care 11 (10.9) Inability to relax 4 (4.0) Lack of interest in hobbies 22 (21.8) Missing social events 11 (10.9) Poor work/life balance 11 (10.9) Prefer to zone out 8 (7.9) Self-perceived ineffectiveness as a counselor 127 (10.5) Compassion fatigue/secondary traumatic stress 7 (5.5) Decreased empathy for clients 27 (21.1) Decreased self-efficacy in one’s own clinical skills 40 (31.3) Desire to rescue clients 1 (0.8) Difficulty building or maintaining the therapeutic relationship 31 (24.2) Questioning one’s own abilities to facilitate change 22 (17.2) Cognitive impairment 75 (6.2) Concentration or focus 27 (36.0) Confusion 3 (4.1) Decreased creativity 3 (4.1) Dissociation 1 (1.4) Forgetfulness 9 (12.2) Mental fatigue 5 (6.8) Rumination 27 (36.5) Negative impact on personal relationships 63 (5.2) Conflict in personal relationships 8 (12.7) Isolating from others 32 (50.8) Poor emotional connection with others 23 (36.5) Negative coping strategies 22 (1.8) Increased alcohol use 7 (31.8) Increased caffeine use 2 (9.1) Increased Netflix watching 1 (4.5) Increased nicotine use 2 (9.1) Over/under eating 10 (45.5) Questioning of one’s career choice 21 (1.7) Planning to pursue employment in a non-counseling field 16 (76.2) Wondering if counseling is a good professional fit 5 (23.8) Psychological distress 8 (0.7) Mental health diagnosis 6 (75.0) Suicidal ideations 2 (25.0) a The percentages for the subcategories reflect the total percentage for each category, and percentages may not total 100% because of rounding.
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