TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-1
64 The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 1 These universities align well with productive contributing authors in the list above or clusters of contributing authors, representing counseling faculty and counselor education programs with high degrees of dedication to enhancing the counseling literature in TPC . Article Characteristics Table 1 shows that topical content appearing in TPC publications from 2011–2019 was consistent and diverse: F (1, 530) = 0.666, p = .415, η 2 = .001. The topics of counselor education and training, school counseling, and multicultural issues each occurred in more than 10% of TPC articles, each benefitting as foci in special issues/sections over the years. When inspecting article typology from the perspective of the tables of contents, it is noted that TPC only designates two major categories of articles: research and expository, the latter of which we combined with an “other” category, as specialized, non- research articles do appear in TPC from time to time. This TPC table of contents bi-factor typology was consistent from 2011–2019: F (1, 263) = 2.033, p = .155, η 2 = .008. Given this result, it is then not surprising that TPC also displayed a consistent proportion of published research articles (58.1% from 2011–2019): F (1, 263) = 2.357, p = .126, η 2 = .009. The remainder of this Results section reviews various characteristics of the 154 research articles published in TPC between 2011 and 2019. Table 1 Issue Categories in TPC Articles From 2011–2019 Content Topic 2011–2014 2015–2019 Total Counselor Education/Training 35 (16.9%) 52 (16.0%) 87 (16.4%) Multicultural Issues 26 (12.6%) 29 (8.9%) 55 (10.3%) School Counseling 19 (9.2%) 36 (11.1%) 55 (10.3%) Health/Wellness 15 (7.2%) 30 (9.2%) 45 (8.4%) Treatment/Intervention 11 (5.3%) 32 (9.8%) 43 (8.1%) Counseling Process 7 (3.4%) 33 (10.2%) 40 (7.5%) Symptoms/Disorders 21 (10.1%) 15 (4.6%) 36 (6.8%) Professional Issues 16 (7.7%) 16 (4.9%) 32 (6.0%) Ethical/Legal Issues 10 (4.8%) 19 (5.8%) 29 (5.4%) Academic/Career 7 (3.4%) 18 (5.5%) 25 (4.7%) Career Development 12 (5.8%) 13 (4.0%) 25 (4.7%) Assessment/Evaluation 11 (5.3%) 13 (4.0%) 24 (4.5%) Supervision 10 (4.8%) 9 (2.8%) 19 (3.6%) Identity Development 7 (3.4%) 10 (3.1%) 17 (3.2%) Totals 207 325 532 Note . Many articles were coded to reflect multiple content issues. Thus, totals exceed the number of accepted articles.
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