TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-1

The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 1 85 Pasco, A. C. Y., Morse, J. M., & Olson, J. K. (2004). Cross-cultural relationships between nurses and Filipino Canadian patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship , 36 (3), 239–246. Pew Research Center. (2013). The rise of Asian Americans . asian-americans Poon, L. (2020, April 7). What bigotry looks like during social distancing . Citylab. 2020/04/coronavirus-racism-hate-crimes-asian-americans-xenophobia/609517 Ratts, M. J., & Greenleaf, A. T. (2018). Counselor–advocate–scholar model: Changing the dominant discourse in counseling. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development , 46 (2), 78–96. Ratts, M. J., Singh, A. A., Nassar-McMillan, S., Butler, S. K., & McCullough, J. R. (2016). Multicultural and social justice counseling competencies: Guidelines for the counseling profession. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development , 44 (1), 28–48. Ruiz, N. G., Horowitz, J. M., & Tamir, C. (2020). Many Black and Asian Americans say they have experienced discrimination amid the COVID-19 outbreak . Pew Research Center. https://www.pewsocialtrends. org/2020/07/01/many-black-and-asian-americans-say-they-have-experienced-discrimination-amid-the- covid-19-outbreak Sanchez, F., & Gaw, A. (2007). Mental health care of Filipino Americans. Psychiatric Services , 58 (6), 810–815. Seider, S., Clark, S., & Graves, D. (2020). The development of critical consciousness and its relation to academic achievement in adolescents of color. Child Development , 91 (2), e451–e474. Shea, M., & Yeh, C. (2008). Asian American students’ cultural values, stigma, and relational self-construal: Correlates of attitudes toward professional help-seeking. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 30 (2), 157–172. Smith, M. J., & Weinstock, D. (2019). Reducing health inequities through intersectoral action: Balancing equity in health with equity for other social goods. International Journal of Health Policy and Management , 8 (1), 1–3. Sue, D. W., Sue, D., Neville, H. A., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Wiley. Taylor, S., Landry, C. A., Paluszek, M. M., Fergus, T. A., McKay, D., &Asmundson, G. J. G. (2020). Development and initial validation of the COVID Stress Scales. Journal of Anxiety Disorders , 72 (2020), 1–7. Tuason, M. T. G., Taylor, A. R., Rollings, L., Harris, T., & Martin, C. (2007). On both sides of the hyphen: Exploring the Filipino-American identity. Journal of Counseling Psychology , 54 (4), 362–372. Tuazon, V. E., Gonzalez, E., Gutierrez, D., & Nelson, L. (2019). Colonial mentality and mental health help-seeking of Filipino Americans. Journal of Counseling & Development , 97 (4), 352–363. U.S. Department of Justice. (2020). Coronavirus is no excuse for hate: Remembering Vincent Chin . Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys’ Office, District of Idaho. Watts, R. J., & Hipolito-Delgado, C. P. (2015). Thinking ourselves to liberation? Advancing sociopolitical action in critical consciousness. The Urban Review , 47 (5), 847–867. Woo, B., Maglalang, D. D., Ko, S., Park, M., Choi, Y., & Takeuchi, D. T. (2020). Racial discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and cultural identities among Asian American youths. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology , 26 (4), 447–459. Worldometer. (n.d.). Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.