TPC Journal Volume 11 Issue 2

160 The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 2 Appendix Interview Questions 1. What is your understanding of the issues of diversity in STEM? 2. What training did you receive regarding the needs of underrepresented students who are interested in STEM? 3. What do you believe is the role of a school counselor in supporting underrepresented students’ interest in STEM careers? 4. What is your role in supporting STEM academic and career opportunities for underrepresented students? 5. What has been your experience in promoting STEM careers to underrepresented students? 6. How do you identify underrepresented students who may have potential or interest in STEM careers? 7. What barriers do you face in promoting STEM careers to underrepresented students? 8. What school and community factors influence your ability to support underrepresented students’ STEM career aspirations and interests? 9. How do you prepare underrepresented students for postsecondary opportunities in STEM? 10. What do you wish was different about how you support underrepresented students’ STEM career interests and aspirations? 11. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your role in supporting underrepresented students’ STEM career aspirations and interests?