TPC Journal Volume 11 Issue 2

The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 2 185 References Anandavalli, S. (2021). Strengths-based counseling with international students of color: A community cultural wealth approach. Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling , 11 (1), 111–124. Anandavalli, S., Harrichand, J. J. S., & Litam, S. D. A. (2020). Counseling international students in times of uncertainty: A critical feminist and bioecological approach. The Professional Counselor , 10 (3), 365–375. Chirikov, I., & Soria, K. M. (2020). International students’ experiences and concerns during the pandemic . SERU Consortium, University of California - Berkeley and University of Minnesota. document/d/1lZdc4dWiX9C_8o1vH-4H7XokIHoJ4yjjVNRv0vS3tBE/edit#heading=h.ivkygr983tef Click, A. B. (2017). Stress, adaptation, growth: International students’ approaches to scholarly research and academic integrity. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology , 54 (1), 642–644. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2015). CACREP vital statistics 2015: Results from a national survey of accredited programs . 2015-CACREP-Vital-Statistics-Report.pdf Craig, S. L. (2013). Affirmative Supportive Safe and Empowering Talk (ASSET): Leveraging the strengths and resiliencies of sexual minority youth in school-based groups. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling , 7 (4), 372–386. Craig, S. L., & Furman, E. (2018). Do marginalized youth experience strengths in strengths-based interventions? Unpacking program acceptability through two interventions for sexual and gender minority youth. Journal of Social Service Research , 44 (2), 168–179. Crenshaw, K. W. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum , 1989 (1), 139–167. Day-Vines, N. L., & Terriquez, V. (2008). A strengths-based approach to promoting prosocial behavior among African American and Latino students. Professional School Counseling , 12 (2), 170–175. Dovchin, S. (2020). The psychological damages of linguistic racism and international students in Australia. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism , 23 (7), 804–818. Erichsen, E. A., & Bolliger, D. U. (2011). Towards understanding international graduate student isolation in traditional and online environments. Educational Technology Research and Development , 59 (3), 309–326. George Mwangi, C. A., Changamire, N., & Mosselson, J. (2019). An intersectional understanding of African international graduate students’ experiences in U.S. higher education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education , 12 (1), 52–64. Girmay, M. (2019). Understanding the mental and physical health needs and acculturation processes of international graduate students in the United States. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education , 11 (Fall), 10–17. Guba, E. G. (1981). Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of naturalistic inquiries. Educational Communication and Technology , 29 (2), 75–91. Harry, B., Klingner, J. K., & Hart, J. (2005). African American families under fire: Ethnographic views of family strengths. Remedial and Special Education , 26 (2), 101–112. He, Y., & Hutson, B. (2018). Exploring and leveraging Chinese international students’ strengths for success. Journal of International Students , 8 (1), 87–108. Jones, L., O’Connor, E., & Boag-Hodgson, C. (2018). International psychology students use multiple strengths to enhance their learning and performance on work placements. Australian Psychologist , 53 (6), 505–516. Lee, J. J., & Rice, C. (2007). Welcome to America? International student perceptions of discrimination. Higher Education , 53 (3), 381–409.