TPC Journal Volume 11 Issue 2

The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 2 217 Appendix B Interview Protocol First Interview 1. What are your perceptions of suicide in the military spouse community? 2. What are the risk factors for suicide in the military spouse population? 3. What mental health challenges do military spouses face? 4. What resources currently exist to help prevent military spouse suicide? 5. What would you like to let the civilian world know about your life as a military spouse that they might not be aware of? 6. Is there anything else you would like to add? Second Interview 1. Do you have anything else to add from our first interview? 2. What do you think causes military spouses to commit suicide? 3. What needs to be done to prevent suicide in the military spouse community? 4. What might be the consequences of not addressing suicide in the military spouse community? 5. What type of mental health support is most needed for the military spouse community? 6. How would your mental health differ, if at all, if you weren’t a military spouse? 7. Is there anything else you would like to add? Follow-Up Email Questions 1. Is there anything else you would like to add to your interview responses? 2. What was it like for you to participate in this study? 3. What is the most important resource that military spouses need to prevent future suicides?