TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-3 - FULL ISSUE

368 The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 3 Module 4 Alcohol Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, students will: 1. Identify the physiological and neurological mechanisms of alcohol use and potential harm and consequences of use. 2. Recognize the impact of alcohol on the body. 3. Define the long-term and short-term physiological and psychosocial effects of alcohol on adolescents. Activities • Psychoeducational lecture. • Students complete and share a body map worksheet to draw arrows and make linkages of the impact of alcohol use on the adolescent body. • Small groups are given scenarios to consider a day in the life of an alcoholic beverage, from the perspective of the beverage as a character in the scenario. • Students consider elements of the CRAFFT as applied to hypothetical characters involved in their story. Module 5 Community Partners Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, students will: 1. Discuss the influence of the community on adolescent drug and alcohol use and methods by which the community can be used to support those at risk of drug and alcohol problems. 2. Describe the potential benefit or harm of specific peer attitudes and behaviors related to drug and alcohol use. 3. Recognize signs of possible alcohol or drug use problems among members of the community. Activities • Psychoeducational lecture • In small groups, students describe a caring school community, followed by a group discussion of harmful and helpful aspects of peer influence. • Exposure to assessment methods such as yellow and red flags that may indicate a substance use problem and the CRAFFT screening tool. • Using role play, students practice methods for communicating with a peer that may minimize defensiveness and identify points of intervention. Module 6 Assumptions and Low-Risk Limits Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, students will: 1. Recognize assumptions made about substance use in school and society. 2. Classify facts and myths about drug and alcohol use. 3. Understand risk levels of use for both adolescents and adults and how these may present in various situations. Activities • Psychoeducational lecture. • Team-building activity, with processing focused on the dynamics of group decision-making. • Myths are presented in a series of group discussion true/false questions about descriptive norms to help students understand that drug or alcohol use is not an inevitable part of the adolescent experience. • Established guidelines for adult limits and moderate use of alcohol are presented, while simultaneously emphasizing that no amount of alcohol represents low or moderate risk for minors. • Case studies are used to apply yellow and red flag warning signs discussed in prior lesson.