TPC Journal-Vol 11-Issue-3 - FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 11, Issue 3 283 Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 272–299. Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). SAGE. Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., & Mullen, M. R. (2008). Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6(1), 53–60. Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55. Kahn, J. H. (2006). Factor analysis in counseling psychology research, training, and practice: Principles, advances, and applications. The Counseling Psychologist, 34(5), 684–718. Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39(1), 31–36. Kalkbrenner, M. T. (2021a). Alpha, omega, and H internal consistency reliability estimates: Reviewing these options and when to use them. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation. Advance online publication. Kalkbrenner, M. T. (2021b). A practical guide to instrument development and score validation in the social sciences: The MEASURE Approach. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 26, Article 1. Kalkbrenner, M. T., & Flinn, R. E. (2020). The Mental Distress Response Scale and promoting peer-to-peer mental health support: Implications for college counselors and student affairs officials. Journal of College Student Development, 61(2), 246–251. Kane, M. (2010). Validity and fairness. Language Testing, 27(2), 177–182. Kang, Y., McNeish, D. M., & Hancock, G. R. (2016). The role of measurement quality on practical guidelines for assessing measurement and structural invariance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76(4), 533–561. Lenz, A. S., Gómez Soler, I., Dell’Aquilla, J., & Uribe, P. M. (2017). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of assessments for use in counseling research. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50(4), 224–231. Lewis, T. F. (2017). Evidence regarding the internal structure: Confirmatory factor analysis. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50(4), 239–247. Mvududu, N. H., & Sink, C. A. (2013). Factor analysis in counseling research and practice. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 75–98. National Board for Certified Counselors. (2016). NBCC code of ethics. NBCCCodeofEthics.pdf Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Essentials of testing and assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (3rd ed.). Cengage. Putnick, D. L., & Bornstein, M. H. (2016). Measurement invariance conventions and reporting: The state of the art and future directions for psychological research. Developmental Review, 41, 71–90. Schreiber, J. B., Nora, A., Stage, F. K., Barlow, E. A., & King, J. (2006). Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results: A review. Journal of Educational Research, 99(6), 323–338. https://doi:10.3200/JOER.99.6.323-338 Steele, J. M., & Rawls, G. J. (2015). Quantitative research attitudes and research training perceptions among master’s‐level students. Counselor Education and Supervision, 54(2), 134–146. Swanepoel, I., & Kruger, C. (2011). Revisiting validity in cross-cultural psychometric-test development: A systems-informed shift towards qualitative research designs. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 17(1), 10–15.