
98 The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 1 Appendix A Semistructured Interview Questions 1. What brought you to this counseling program? 2. Overall, how would you describe your practicum experience last semester? a. Where did you complete your practicum? b. How would you describe the population you worked with at your practicum? 3. What previous experience, if any, did you have with social justice prior to individual practicum supervision? 4. During individual practicum supervision on campus last semester, what were some of your initial thoughts and feelings about a social justice–infused supervision model? 5. In what ways, if any, did those thoughts and feelings about social justice change throughout your supervision experience? These next three questions address three areas of social justice that were incorporated into your individual practicum supervision model: self, students (clients), and institution (school or school districts). 6. Do you think that the emphasis on social justice related to self (i.e., your power, privileges, and experience with oppression) in individual practicum supervision on campus had any influence on you? a. If yes, what influence did this emphasis have on you? b. If no, why do you think that’s the case? 7. Do you think that the emphasis on social justice related to others (i.e., the sociopolitical context of students, staff, etc.) in individual practicum supervision on campus had any influence on you? a. If yes, what influence did this emphasis have on you? b. If no, why do you think that’s the case? 8. Do you think that the emphasis on social justice related to institution (i.e., your practicum site, school district) in individual practicum supervision on campus had any influence on you? a. If yes, what influence did this emphasis have on you? b. If no, why do you think that’s the case? 9. In what ways, if any, has the social justice emphasis in your individual practicum supervision influenced you as a counselor? 10. In what ways, if any, has the social justice emphasis in your individual practicum supervision influenced your development as a person? 11. How would you define social justice? 12. Is there anything else you would like to add regarding your experience in a social justice–infused model of supervision last semester? 13. Is there anything else you’d like to share?