
The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 1 23 Findings In total, five themes emerged from the participant interview data: life stressors, self-awareness, trusting others, adaptability and resiliency, and hope for the future. In order to be considered a theme, at least seven out of the 14 participants had to endorse the theme. Within each theme, there were two to three aspects that were discussed by participants. Each of the themes is discussed in this section, and a sample of participant quotes is provided as evidence of each aspect of the theme. Participants all chose pseudonyms that were used throughout the research study. Figure 1 Summary of Themes Themes Aspects of Themes Life Stressors • School • Peers/Bullying • Mental Health Self-Awareness • Positive Self-Image • Accomplishments Trusting Others • Qualities of a Trusted Mentor/Adult • Feeling Understood or Heard Adaptability and Resiliency • Social-Emotional Growth • Coping Skills Hope for the Future • Realistic Goals for School • Future Careers • Impact on Others Life Stressors The first theme of life stressors was endorsed by all 14 participants. This theme was defined as participants’ lived experiences of how stressors in their lives were negatively impacting them. Many of the participants shared in the first interview that they were overwhelmed and a bit confused about being on a college campus. Participants were not sure why they were selected for the therapeutic mentoring program or what they might need help with beyond academics. Participants endorsed three aspects of life stressors in the areas of school, peers/bullying, and mental health. School In the initial interview, participants discussed wanting to get straight As and that math was a particularly tough subject area for them. Ball stated, “I really struggle with math. I don’t know why it’s always been something that’s really hard for me.” JT shared that they “have to get straight As” and indicated that if they did not, they would “get kicked out.” Tristonion said, “Right now, I really don’t have the motivation to try in school.”