34 The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 1 Appendix Pre Semi-Structured Interview 1. Tell me what you already know about Campus Connections or having a mentor. 2. Describe a typical day or week at school. a. What do you enjoy? b. What is something you struggle with? 3. What are some ways you think having a mentor could help you (at school, home, in life)? 4. What are your future goals or plans? a. For middle school b. High school c. After high school 5. What is something that is preventing you from achieving your goals or future plans? a. How could your mentor help you with these challenges? 6. Tell me about your thoughts/feelings about being on a college campus. 7. What kind of jobs or careers are you thinking about? 8. What are your thoughts on meeting with a counselor? a. Can you describe a time when a counselor helped you? 9. How do you think people would describe you? a. Teachers? b. Parent or guardians? c. Peers? 10. How would you describe yourself? 11. What is something you wish people knew about you?