
74 The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 1 Table 3 Multiple Linear Regression Analyses Exploring Professional School Counselor Competence B SE β β t p Model 1 (Constant) 4.064** .068 -- 59.371 < .001 (N = 387) Cismale GI 0.231 .149 .064 1.556 .121 Trans GI 0.492 .351 .059 1.400 .162 Agender GI 0.106 .601 .007 0.177 .860 Trans Students 0.605** .073 .349 8.385 < .001 Training 0.430** .062 .293 6.980 < .001 Personal 0.466** .073 .271 6.380 < .001 Model 2 (Constant) 0.547** .044 -- 12.347 < .001 (N = 387) Cismale GI 0.067 .096 .035 0.653 .514 Trans GI −0.027 .226 −.006 −0.133 .894 Agender GI −0.024 .387 −.003 −0.075 .941 Trans Students −0.078 .046 −.085 −1.552 .121 Training −0.044 .040 −.057 −1.271 .204 Personal −0.183** .047 −.199 −3.909 < .001 Model 3 (Constant) 4.683** .102 -- 46.003 < .001 (N = 386) Cismale GI 0.476 .221 .105 2.154 .032 Trans GI 0.690 .522 .065 1.322 .187 Agender GI 1.204 .894 .066 1.346 .179 Trans Students 0.046 .107 .021 0.428 .669 Training 0.292* .092 .157 3.178 .002 Personal 0.443** .109 .204 4.070 < .001 Model 4 (Constant) 1.732 .100 -- 17.272 < .001 (N = 387) Cismale GI 0.385 .216 .065 1.779 .076 Trans GI 0.716 .511 .052 1.402 .162 Agender GI 0.699 .875 −.029 −0.799 .425 Trans Students 1.482 .105 .513 14.059 < .001 Training 0.845 .090 .346 9.417 < .001 Personal −0.576 .106 .202 5.414 < .001 Note. GI = gender identity; B = unstandardized regression coefficient; SEβ = standard error of the coefficient; β = standardized coefficient. *p < 0.5. **p < .001. Model 2: PSC Awareness R² for the overall model was 5.8%, with an adjusted R² of 6.2%, a very small effect size (Cohen, 1988). PSC factors (GI, postgraduate training, PSC work with trans students, and PSC personal relationship with someone who is trans) significantly predicted awareness of PSC self-perceived competence in working with trans students in schools, F(6, 380) = 3.873, p = .001. Personally knowing